The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 230 If You Want To Die, I'll Give You A Ride

Chapter 230 If you want to die, I'll give you a ride

The dishes on Mo Yao's plate were basically unchanged. It wasn't that he was full, but that he couldn't eat.

Dong Yilan also understood that it should be a matter of cooperating with Fly, and the troubles brought by Ellen!Regarding the operating system of Fly, it was also the bargaining chip that Ellen used to threaten him.

In the afternoon, Dong Yilan didn't go back to the studio. She called her assistant to tell her about the work, and then drove back to her boss' mansion.

Xiao Tiancheng was still eating slowly, feeling drowsy after using it, she should have just woken up not long ago.

"Sister, why are you back?" Xiao Tiancheng yawned cutely, pulled off the napkin and walked towards the living room.He left his seat, and immediately someone came over to take away the tableware.

"Little Sweet Orange, how about doing my sister a favor?" Dong Yilan rubbed her hands together, showing a sweet and gentle smile.

Dong Chengcheng only felt a chill rise from the soles of his feet to his scalp, and that smile made his hair stand on end, and he immediately sounded his full vigilance, "Sister, what do you want to do? I will not do murder and illegal things. Don't look for me!"
Dong Yilan's face froze, "Your sister, do I seem to be someone who murders people and steals goods, breaks the law and discipline?"

Little Sweet Orange carefully brushed her from top to bottom, then nodded, "Like!"


"Ahhh, help!...Sister, I was wrong, I dare not...Come here, murder my brother!" The room was filled with Xiao Tiancheng's howling and hasty footsteps .

"If you don't fight for three days, go to the house to expose the tiles. How many days have you not fought?"

After a burst of howling, Xiao Tiancheng was lying on the sofa, panting heavily, with a bun face, wronged and innocent.

He was just talking about an implementation. Are adults now not allowed to tell the truth?

"Is there a way to unlock the password for the pupil verification?" Enough trouble, Dong Yilan said the purpose.

"Yes." Xiao Tiancheng spoke with certainty, and the dawn of hope rose in Dong Yilan's heart, "How to solve it?"

"Of course it's the pupil with the password." Xiao Tiancheng looked at her sister like an idiot, and came back to ask such a simple question!

Dong Yilan's face darkened, and he began to grind his teeth, "Small! Sweet! Orange! Do you want to be beaten?"

It's really impossible to tell the truth...

"Did you lose the password?" In fact, he wanted to ask if the person who set the password died.But it's possible that the older sister wants to explore the secrets of her brother-in-law, so she can't curse her brother-in-law... If the words come true, the older sister will become a widow.

"The person who set the password is dead!"

"..." It doesn't look like brother-in-law.

"How long has it been dead?" Within 2 hours, the pupils can still be used.


"...Then there is no other way. If this kind of password is forcibly decrypted, most of the data inside will be lost, and it cannot be restored. You should give up."

Disappointment welled up in Dong Yilan's eyes, but when she thought of her brother's ability beyond ordinary people, she did not give up and asked, "You can't do anything?"


Also, if it can be solved so easily, he won't show a sad face.

"I'm leaving." Dong Yilan got up disappointed.

Little Sweet Orange can't help, what else can she do?Negotiate with Ellen and ask her to return what Mo Yao took?She herself found this idea a little ridiculous, that day she heard clearly that Ellen asked Mo Yao to marry her.

"Sister, is the original code of the Fly system lost?" Dong Chengcheng asked.

Dong Yilan's footsteps stopped abruptly, and she turned her head to look at him abruptly.

"Don't look at me like that. Gu Yansheng is an elite in the IT industry, and his memorial service was very grand. Of course I know. You just mentioned the pupil unlocking. I naturally think of the Fly series that will be launched in a while. Gu Yan is alive and dead, if his original code cannot be unlocked, W.T will not be able to deliver the goods as scheduled, not to mention serious damage to his reputation, and he will face huge compensation, so you are worried."

"Do you have a solution?"

"There is a way, but for a brother-in-law who is so proud, he would rather make money than let us help." Dong Chengcheng jumped off the sofa, and arrogantly waved towards Dong Yilan, "Sister, come with me, I Show you something."


The night before the contract time arrived, Mo Yao forcibly deciphered Gu Yansheng's chip. As expected, most of the content in the chip was lost, and the program recovery failed to restore the data inside.

At the same time, Zhou Junhua came to Mo Yao's office and showed him an operating system.

This is the system they redeveloped after working overtime day and night for half a month.

Mo Yao tried to operate it once, the system interface and structure are very different from the system that Gu Yansheng showed him before, but the operation convenience and running speed have been greatly improved.

Overall, this system is better than its predecessors.

Checked the bugs he originally raised, and they have all been optimized.

Mo Yao's slender fingers tapped on the mouse, his deep black eyes stared at the computer screen, no emotion could be seen on his stern face, he didn't know whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied.

Zhou Junhua sat on the chair in front of his desk, sweating guiltily.

A beautiful woman came to the office this afternoon, claiming to be the CEO's girlfriend.She handed him the original code of this system, and asked him to show it to the president later, but don't reveal that she gave it to him, just say that the system they developed themselves was completed.

Zhou Junhua was also worried about not being able to complete the task, so he readily accepted it.

Now that the president pursed his lips and said nothing, his heart was pounding.Uneasy, apprehensive, nervous, all kinds of negative emotions wrapped up that not-so-strong heart.

"Notify the administration tomorrow that all employees in the technical department involved in system development will have their salaries doubled starting next month!" The sound of the computer shutting down was accompanied by the voice of the president, and Zhou Junhua's heart finally fell to the ground.

Zhou Junhua breathed a sigh of relief after taking the computer handed over by the president.

"I leave it to you to negotiate with the Fly Group tomorrow."

"We must live up to President Mo's expectations."

Zhou Junhua came out of the president's office and took out a handkerchief to wipe off the sweat from his forehead.Brand new handkerchief, specially bought for meeting Mo Yao!
Mo Yao also breathed a sigh of relief, with a rare smile on his face, he took out his cell phone and wanted to call Dong Yilan.As soon as it was unlocked, the phone rang.


He bumped into a good thing, and still has the face to make a phone call!The corner of Mo Yao's lips raised slightly, and he picked it up.

"President Mo, have you considered it? Tomorrow is the deadline."

Ellen's pretentiously sweet voice made Mo Yao gag, with a self-deprecating smile on his face.He actually stayed with this kind of woman for several years, and even made an exception to change the principle for her, allowing her money and status.

It's really blind, and you don't know people clearly.

"Think about it." The voice was cold and elegant.

"You agreed!" Ellen took it for granted that Mo Yao agreed to marry her, and couldn't help but get excited, even her voice was trembling with excitement, "Then... why did you come to pick me up?"

"Heh~" Mo Yao sneered, "What did I promise? Marry you? Don't dream, you can consider selling that system to Ou Beilun, or just hold it for the rest of your life. It seems that you have made a promise for W.T over the years. For the sake of meritorious service, I will not sue you, and if you leave W.T, no IT company will dare to use you. Ellen, do it yourself."

There was a beeping disconnection sound, and Ellen's body softened and she fell to the ground.

The next day, Zhou Junhua took the system and went to the Fly Group accompanied by Beiying.

In the luxurious conference room of Fly Group, Zhou Junhua demonstrated the various functions of the system to Fly's senior decision makers, and the system was unanimously approved to be applied to Flying brand aircraft.

Half an hour later, the new news about the launch of the Fly aircraft was first exposed on the Internet, and some functions of the new system were exposed at the same time.The news also pointed out that 15 days later, Fly will launch 1000 trial machines for customers to try for free, causing explosive news in the IT industry for a while.

Dong Chengcheng, who was sitting in front of the computer and watching the news, closed the computer and called Dong Yilan, "Sister, don't forget to promise me the latest Xbox."

"I'll take you to buy it tomorrow, my sister is filming, so hang up first!"

I sold my three-month results for just one game console, which is a big loss for my business!So you can't do business with your relatives, and you will definitely lose money.Dong Chengcheng yawned and pushed the laptop towards the bed.

He got up at ten o'clock to watch the press conference. He was so sleepy now that he had to go back to sleep.

Mo Yao was watching the news, but halfway through, he received an email.The woman in the attached video, moaning and turning under the man, is enchanting... Mo Yao felt nauseous and clicked delete.In order not to tarnish his mailbox, he also emptied the junk mailbox.

Ou Beilun, since you want to die, I will give you a ride.

The last time the bidding failed, the stock of Oufeng Group fell all the way, and the investor's withdrawal of capital was full of turmoil, which caused the stock of Oufeng Group to fall into a slump. In the end, Oubeilun got a sum of money from nowhere, and insisted on keeping Oufeng Group from going bankrupt.

After a buffer period of more than two months, I finally survived.

Today he saw W. T and Fly's new cooperation product disappeared, and in a fit of rage, he sent the video recorded at that time to Mo Yao and several media outlets in D City.I'm not happy, you don't want to be happy either.

After posting, he still felt puzzled, so he drove to the apartment where Ellen was temporarily staying.

This apartment was provided to Ellen by him, and he directly opened the door with the key.

The pungent smell of alcohol came to his face, and Ou Beilun fanned the stale air with his hands in disgust.

The curtains were closed, and the room was dimly seen. There was a woman sitting on the floor beside the sofa. She had completely lost her former glory, her hair was disheveled, her eyes were dim, and she was drinking foreign wine from a wine bottle.

The smell of alcohol in the room radiated from her.

Ellen glanced at the door and found that it was Ou Beilun who came. Disappointment flashed in her dim eyes, and she took a few more sips from the bottle.

"Why, I'm disappointed to see it?" Although Ou Beilun lost his sense of novelty and possessiveness towards her, he was still stimulated by his indifferent eyes, as if he was a piece of garbage, and she didn't even bother to look at him.

Ou Beilun threw himself in front of her, and squeezed her chin fiercely, "You still think you are the goddess W.T? Hmph, I sent your video to the media, and I copied it to Mo Yao by the way, you Just wait to be ruined and cast aside!"
This book is coming to an end in September. Thank you for accompanying Xiaoyan, Qiye and Yilan all the way. Who do you want to see?Qiye and Yilan have a baby?Or Wen Qi and Ono?Or Zhang Xian's classmate Xiao Fang?
Remember to leave a message for Xiaoyan in the comment area whoever you want to see!
(End of this chapter)

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