The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 136 [This Suer is not contemptible 4]

Chapter 136 [This Suer is not contemptible 4]

"Let's go, actually, I want to go too. Although the palace is big and there are many things and people I like, it will be boring after a long time. If I have a chance, I also want to go out and look at the mountains and the river. By the way Grab something nicer."

"You are willing to go with me!!"

Willing to fuck!

Su'er's charming face changed suddenly, and she said coldly and lazily: "I really want to go out of the palace, but I just want to go out of the palace to have fun, not to go back to the Southern Dynasty with you to be a concubine, and I don't even want to be your Southern Dynasty concubine." Queen."

Zhong Nanyue was dumbfounded, with his heart hanging in the air, restless, he asked with a wry smile, "I didn't hear clearly what you said, Su'er."

It's not that I didn't hear clearly, it's that I don't want to hear it.

"Whether you didn't hear clearly or didn't want to hear clearly, I'll explain it in detail again this time, don't blame me if you don't hear clearly.

I don't know what happened on the day when Murong Su'er was going to elope with you, because when I woke up, my mind was completely blank and I didn't know anything.

So what happened between the former Murong Su'er and you is out of my consideration.

There is one more thing you should know, maybe half a month ago you said you would take me away and I was [-]% sure that I would go with you, but if you ask me again now, I will tell you that I don’t want to go , because recently I found that I like Huangfu Zinc.

That's all I have to say, and I think it's clear enough.

It is difficult to explain the love between a man and a woman. We can only blame us for not having a relationship. I hope you will find the one you like as soon as possible! "

Su'er felt very happy when she said what was in her heart, and the big stone in her heart finally fell down.

Zhong Nanyue's heart also dropped, until it reached the bottom of the valley.

Su'er was unwilling to go with him, she fell in love with Huangfu and was reluctant to leave...

"Impossible, impossible, it is impossible for you not to want to go with me, you are lying, Huangfu must be threatening you, it must be like this, Su'er, you say what you just said is false, you say it!!!"

Zhong Nanyue instantly grabbed Su'er's body like a mad dog and shook him violently. Su'er couldn't avoid it and wanted to fight back, but unfortunately no matter how hard she beat Zhong Nanyue, she still didn't let go
"Let go of me, you're crazy!!"

"I won't let you go if you don't make it clear today!"

(End of this chapter)

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