The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 137 [This Suer is not contemptible 5]

Chapter 137 [This Suer is not contemptible 5]

"I've made it clear enough, I'm not the Murong Su'er you like, I don't like you, you, or you!!"

"You are lying!!"

Zhong Nanyue's palm slashed towards Su'er's cheek, but fortunately she cleverly flashed the palm and the wind only passed on her cheek, Su'er only felt a burst of heat, and a branch suddenly broke with a crack.

Su'er was shocked, if she hadn't avoided the slap just now, her head would have been smashed.

Zhong Nanyue was dumbfounded when he saw the branch he had cut off and then saw the bluish bluish patch on Su'er's cheek.

"Su'er, I, I'm not..."

"what are you doing?"

Huangfu Huifei kicked Zhong Nanyue and Su'er apart, and protected her behind.

"What the second prince did was too inappropriate."

Seeing someone meddling, Zhong Nanyue was palpitating about Su'er's injury and was about to forcefully attack Huangfuhui.

Su'er stood up and said in a strict voice: "Zhong Nanyue, I've made it very clear to you, from now on you will take your Yangguan Road and I will cross my single-plank bridge, if you want us to be friends, but if you want me to go with you, you still Give up, little four, let's go!"


"Zhong Nanyue, I warn you if you follow me, I will find the guards to arrest you!!"

Su'er kicked Zhong Nanyue and immediately led Huangfuhui into the room and closed the door, Zhong Nanyue watched Su'er escape in a daze.

He was the only one left in the quiet courtyard.

Why is this so…………

"Duoduo, how is he gone?"

"Miss, there is no one in the yard."

Su'er let out a long sigh of relief, Zhong Nanyue finally left, just now she was afraid that he would rush in regardless of the consequences.

It's a good thing he's gone.

"Damn Zhong Nanyue, ah, my face..."

Sheng'er carefully helped her apply ice, and said pitifully, "Why did you hit him so hard? It's all swollen. It may take half a month for the injury to heal."

"Hmph, it's a good thing I hid quickly, otherwise my head would explode. You didn't see that branch, it broke in two at once, it scared me to death."

Su'er still feels scared in retrospect, and said while touching her face, "I should have scolded him more just now. If I can't make money back, I can at least make back the interest. I'm so pissed off.",

"Well, what happened to the guards in the palace, let him run into the deep palace, I asked the emperor's brother to replace them all, and then punish the nine clans!"

"It was your emperor brother who let him in, and you still punished other people's nine clans. Aren't you afraid that there will be dozens of innocent souls looking for your life at night?"

"I'm not afraid of ghosts."

Huangfuhui took the medicinal wine and asked Duoduo to help Su'er serve the medicinal wine.

Su'er trembled and held back tears.

(End of this chapter)

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