Chapter 148 [You Count That Onion 1]

Su'er glared at her impatiently, and said angrily: "I told you to go back, don't you have long ears?"

"Your Majesty, despite their status and status, the servants did not make any mistakes when they came here today. Your Majesty must have an explanation for dismissing the servants."

This appearance is quite powerful.

Su'er sneered, I don't believe I can't control you! !

"You're right. I should tell you a reason. Listen carefully. The reason is that I don't like you, especially you and the person who promoted you."

Anyone with a discerning ear could tell that Su'er was talking about Concubine Chen, because they were sent by Concubine Chen.

She is also a great palace lady, and her previous master never gave her any anger. Unexpectedly, as soon as she arrived at Su'er's place, she would be scolded by others, and she couldn't hold back and shouted: "Your Majesty, please don't give up." Too much!!"

"Too much, so what if I go too far? What can you do with me?"

Su'er couldn't help but find it funny.

The seriousness and displeasure now are not pretended but from the heart.

Zirong also refused to back down even one step, and said sonorously and forcefully: "The lives of slaves are worthless, but they are not so trampled on by the empress. Please respect yourself."

"What did you say?!!"

Jin Duoduo hated appearance very much, and wanted to slap her twice when he went up, but Su'er was quick to stop her and stopped her.

"The servants in this palace are a little ignorant, so they didn't scare you."

"Your Majesty, if you have time, you should train your servants more."

Jin Duoduo on one side was already fuming with anger.

This woman named Zirong doesn't care much about Miss now. If she gets power in the future, wouldn't she want to trample Miss under her feet! !

"Ma'am, he..."

Su'er waved her hand to signal her not to speak, and Jin Duoduo closed his mouth.

She knew it was saying that she didn't know how to discipline servants and had no ability, but Su'er never treated Duoduo as a servant, so she didn't care about discipline or not.

But if you don't care, you don't care. It's impossible for someone to slap you and say with a smile, "Please, don't be too polite, give me a few more slaps."

Su'er might have done this kind of thing when she was living under the fence, but now she would never do it.

(End of this chapter)

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