Chapter 149 [You Count That Onion 2]

"Zirong, you are right. I should discipline my servants well. Now I am asking you, do you want to stay here to serve me?"

"Of course!"

Well, what I'm waiting for is your words.

Su'er slapped the table and shouted: "Okay, since you want to stay, then from now on you will be my servant in the house, and I will train you first!"

With a dazed appearance, she stared at Su'er's face in dismay.

Su'er sullenly said: "Is it because Bengong's face is too attractive or is there something dirty on Bengong's face, don't you know that you can't look directly at the master's face?"

"The servant knows that the servant deserves to die."

Zirong knelt down on the ground and kowtowed twice, and the rest of the people also lowered their heads as low as possible, not wanting to get into trouble.

The corner of Su'er's mouth curled into a smile. She didn't experience it before so she didn't understand it. Now after experiencing it, she realized how refreshing it is to bully someone who doesn't like her.

"Since you belong to me, I have the right to punish you for what I did wrong just now. Ah, Duoduo, what do you think I should punish her for?"

Jin Duoduo followed Su'er to play tricks behind her back, sang and said: "Go back to your mother, the servant thinks her mouth and her eyes are not clean, and what she said is too annoying. I heard that the master in the palace doesn't like slaves who are talkative. Give poison to make you dumb, or just cut off your tongue."

"It's easy to deal with a disobedient mouth. No matter how bad I am, I can find a piece of tape to seal her mouth shut for the rest of my life. What if the eyes are disobedient?"

Jin Duoduo sighed and shook his head, "Miss, I can't control her blind eyes. The servant girl thinks the only way is to smoke her eyes blind, or just dig them out."

"Yes, you are right, digging out is the easiest."

Su'er happily looked at Zirong's little face, and said with a smile: "But what if such a cute and charming little face doesn't have those beautiful eyes? What do you think, Zirong."

"Your servant deserves to die, my servant deserves to die, please forgive me this time, my servant will never dare again!!"

Her appearance was already crying, begging Su'er to let her go.

From Chen Fei's description, she thought that Su'er was a bully master and that she would speak rudely because she couldn't calm down for a while. She really didn't expect Su'er to be so vicious.

(End of this chapter)

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