The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 161 [You are called Ren Woxing]

Chapter 161 [You are called Ren Woxing]

"Duoduo used to be 'anemia', and your followers are actually called 'admit punishment', these names are really strange, hey, how do you feel every time Xiao Si calls you?"

"Go back to your mother, the servant doesn't feel anything."

How could it be possible that I didn't feel it? It must be hindering Xiao Si so I dare not say it.

"I think this name sounds weird. Who else in the world likes to 'admit punishment'? You can't even hide, so the name Ren Woxing is better!"

"Thank you, Madam, for giving me the name!"

Ren Woxing knelt down, thanked En, and withdrew to prepare honey water for Su'er.

Su'er snickered and said, "Just changed his name like this? It's too fast."

"Ren Woxing's name is pretty cool, it's better than 'admit punishment', I think the emperor's brother should be coming too, you'd better wait for him to come before going to bed."

"Well, I want to see him too."

Originally, I was looking forward to seeing him, but I didn't expect this to go wrong.

He also said that he had made up his mind to have a relationship with Huangfu tonight or something, but now it was in vain, and he couldn't tell when he would be able to make up his mind to fight it out next time.

Su'er comforted Duoduo and Sheng'er again, one of the new servants named Dongsu had disappeared, and Su'er could probably guess why.

How could Zhong Nanyue escape from so many people's eyes and ears if there was no one to be an insider? The insider next to her was probably this court lady.

"Su'er, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but if it weren't for my cleverness, I'm afraid I'd be taken out of the city gate by now."

As soon as Su'er saw Huangfu, she complained that she rubbed her nose and her eye sockets became red unconsciously.

For the first time, Huangfu felt that Su'er was different from what he had imagined.

She is not laughing and joking all the time, really carefree, nor is she so playful, greedy and fearless. She is also a human being and a woman, and she is also afraid of crying and complaining to others.

"Yes, I'm late. Fortunately, you are clever. I want to thank you very much."

"It's empty talk."

"I haven't decided what to give you yet. When you think about it, tell me that no matter what it is, I will promise you."

Su'er burst into tears to smile and plunged into his arms to rub her back and forth.

Up to now, Huangfu Xin has no intention of teasing her or teasing her at all. She is like a cute little animal acting coquettishly in his arms, and he has no choice but to love and cherish her.

"Sleep, I'll be fine here."


Huangfu hugged her lightly, and Su'er fell asleep after a while.

It's really nice to be with him...

(End of this chapter)

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