Chapter 162 [After the rain? 】

When Su'er woke up, Huangfu Xin was no longer by her side, looking at the empty quilt, she felt a little sore because she didn't understand.

"Miss, you are awake, the queen mother will send someone to inform you that you will come over after breakfast."

"Okay, I get it now."

Su'er reluctantly got up from the bed.

The Queen Mother must have summoned her because she wanted to know about yesterday's situation.

After a hasty breakfast, Su'er rushed to Yongshou Palace.

The Empress Dowager was reading Buddhist scriptures half leaning on the bed.

Su'er sat by herself and waited for her.

Hey, I really don’t understand what’s so good about Buddhist scriptures. It’s boring and difficult to read. Just a name alone is annoying to people, let alone read through it.

Is it because lonely women like to read Buddhist scriptures to pass the time, so will I have this day in the future? !

Su'er immediately scolded herself in her heart.

What are you thinking about? You are thinking about being alone and lonely. You should be thinking about turning the situation around even if you are lonely.

"Su'er is here."

"Yes, Queen Mother."

The Empress Dowager put down the Buddhist scriptures and sat up straight, patted the seat beside her and called, "Su'er come here, sit and talk with Ai's family."

The queen mother has always been kind to her, which made Su'er feel that destroying the letter in Zhong Nanyue's hand was the right thing to do.

Su'er obediently sat down next to the queen mother, the bed was soft and smelled of the powder that the queen mother often used.

"Look at her complexion, she must have been frightened yesterday."

The queen mother touched Su'er's cheek, she shook her head with a smile and said, "Fortunately, it hurts a little because the hand was knocked out of joint, but after the emperor came, he helped Su'er connect it, so it doesn't hurt at all. .

As for the bad complexion, it may be because he slept for a short time. "

"Zhong Nanyue's courage is too great. He dared to break into the important harem. Su'er must have an extraordinary position in his heart."

Su'er rolled her eyes, the queen mother probably wanted to know about the past between herself and Zhong Nanyue.

That's right, the second prince of an enemy country went to the harem of the new moon in the middle of the night and hijacked a concubine to escape, anyone would be suspicious.

Rather than being gossiped by others, she might as well recruit herself.

"Returning to the Queen Mother, Su'er seemed to be in a relationship with him before entering the palace. The last time Zhong Nanyue wanted to take Su'er out of the palace, I didn't agree. I didn't expect him to break into the palace this time. Su'er also had this matter. part of the responsibility."

(End of this chapter)

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