The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 177 [Opening up a new path 2]

Chapter 177 [Opening up a new path 2]

Huangfuhui looked at her "struggling to write straight", and couldn't help but sighed to the sky, oh my god, when will she finish painting.

"Come on."

Huangfu Hui went out of the room and called Manager Ren: "Go and invite the emperor's elder brother to have a meal together, remember, no matter what method you use, you must invite him."

"The slave obeys the order."

Su'er stayed in my room for an afternoon, and now it's getting dark, day is day and night is night, and when we stay together at night, some people with ulterior motives will always make irresponsible remarks.

Inviting the emperor is also different. The emperor and concubine, plus a little prince, can only be said to be brothers with deep feelings.

"Su'er, what do you want to eat tonight?"

"Whatever, as long as there is meat."

"Well, you draw slowly, um, well, remember to wash your face and hands after drawing, it's not good to be seen by others."

Su'er looked up at him "in her busy schedule", are my hands and face dirty?Didn't it just get a little ink on her hands and face? It's much better than Chen Fei's punk look back then.

"Xiao Si, come here and help me write a few words."

Huangfuhui knew that she didn't know how to use a brush, and even if she knew how to write it, it would be completely different, so she simply went over to help her write, and asked, "What kind of characters do you want to write?"

"Pigs, horses, prime ministers, soldiers, generals, cannons, pawns, um, that's all there is to it. Make two pictures, and you need two colors."

With a few swipes of the brush, the willow-style characters were written, and the things were handed over to Su'er. Su'er made a few hard round things and pasted the characters on them one by one. An "abnormal" simple Chess is ready.

Seeing the chess pieces she had spent so long making, Su'er couldn't help admiring herself: "Let me just say, there's nothing I, a genius, can't do, no matter how difficult it is, it's a piece of cake in my hands! !"

Huangfuhui took a closer look at what she had spent the whole afternoon tinkering with and couldn't help feeling an urge to slap herself with tofu.

I ran out of pen and ink in one afternoon, and spent a long time fiddling with a ruler to draw a crooked broken grid, saying that she is overqualified and wasteful or light.

I can't see enough, I still don't watch it for my aesthetic and taste...

"Su'er, it's getting late, let's eat first, and then you can teach me how to use it."

"Well, you're right, I've been busy all afternoon and my stomach is growling.

"Okay, wash your hands now."

Huangfuhui was secretly relieved, luckily he didn't have to learn before meals, he would probably be so stimulated that he couldn't eat anything when faced with such a chessboard, but on second thought, what if he vomited up all the meals after eating... ...

(End of this chapter)

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