The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 178 [Opening up a new path 3]

Chapter 178 [Opening up a new path 3]

Huangfu Hui clapped his hands, a fairy-like court lady was wearing gorgeous costumes different from ordinary court ladies, and one of them slowly stepped forward with a plate of delicate dishes in her hands, and placed them on the table in a very orderly manner and stood aside.

Su'er's eyes were dumbfounded.

Why are there so many beautiful beauties here in Xiaosi? Could it be that he is a hypocrite with no pious appearance? ?It's no wonder she said that he is not interested in marrying a wife or accepting a concubine.

There are so many delicate things in the golden house, so why worry about not having a woman.

After washing her hands and face, Su'er sat at the table cleanly, with delicious delicacies in hand and glamorous beauty in front of her eyes, the prince's life is really good! !

"The emperor is here!"

"Huangfu Zi!!"

Seeing Su'er striding forward dressed in bright purple, she was delighted at first, but then she immediately turned black when she thought of what Huangfu Xin did yesterday.

When Huangfu entered the door, everyone saluted him, but Su'er was sulking and ignored him, and couldn't help frowning: "Hui'er, why do some people have no expression when they see me?"

"This minister doesn't know either, why don't you ask the emperor himself."

"Then I'll ask myself." Huangfu laughed and sat beside Su'er, put his arm around her and whispered in her ear: "What's wrong with Su'er today, didn't you feel good in bed last night?"

As a dead emperor, the words on the bed can also be mentioned here. Although this lady is an open-minded and avant-garde person, she is not so avant-garde that she can share the things on the bed with others.

Su'er immediately turned pale and pinched his thigh fiercely, Huangfu didn't make a sound because of the pain, because he saw Su'er's face turned red again, and she was actually acting like a spoiled child.

"There are so many people here, if Su'er wants to act like a spoiled child, just wait until we go back at night and then take your time."

"Fuck you, when did I act like a baby? I am, this is..."

"What is this, isn't it like this?"

Huangfu kissed her on the face, and Huangfuhui blushed when she saw it.

Su'er was foolishly kissed twice by him, embarrassingly pushed his face away and scoffed: "What are you doing, so many people are watching."

"Really? Who's watching?"

Huangfu Xin raised his head and looked at each other coldly. All the beauties in the room buried their heads and lowered their eyelids and looked at the ground without saying a word. Huangfu Hui simply turned around and looked at the sunset outside the window, looking very happy.

Su'er is going crazy in her heart, stinky little four, it's fine for others to pretend to be deaf and dumb, but you are a prince and my friend and you don't help me, let's see how I teach you a lesson later!
(End of this chapter)

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