Chapter 195 [Can you help me 2]

"I didn't cry, I just, just got sand in my eye."

The Empress Dowager smiled slightly, whether she was crying or sand got into her eyes, wouldn't Aijia not be able to tell, but since others don't want to talk about it, Aijia is not easy to tell.

"Okay, okay, sand got into the eyes, this hateful sand is really hateful, find out Ai's family, cut it into thousands of pieces, and then chop it up all over the house, okay?"

Su'er couldn't help laughing: "Queen Mother, you are so serious, you know that I am in a bad mood and you are still joking."

"Then would you like to tell Aijia why you are in a bad mood?"

"I originally wanted to ask the Queen Mother." Su'er paused the hair on her forehead and said, "Queen Mother, if the person you like uses you regardless of your life, do you still want to hate him?"

The queen mother stared at Su'er blankly, making Su'er a little embarrassed.

Then the Queen Mother laughed again, a bit vicissitudes, a bit sad, and a bit sad happiness.

"I don't know what you think, but if I were Shen Yun, I can tell you that even if he uses me or doesn't care about my life, in the end he must be doing it for my own good, so I still love him."

Such a simple answer, it seems that the answer is to love no matter what.

"But aren't you sad? Are you not sad?"

"Su'er, you are still too young, so what if you really love that person and he takes advantage of him? Love is something that can't be guessed, grasped, grasped, or figured out. Everyone expresses it in a different way. So what if he used you, how do you know he doesn't love you."

Su'er was dumbfounded.

How do you know he doesn't love you?
That's right, although Huangfu took advantage of me, how do I know he doesn't like me.He is the emperor and has his responsibility. Why didn't I figure it out.

"Su'er, I'm a person from here. I see many things more thoroughly than you. Listen to what I say. Don't worry about who took advantage of whom and who paid more. You can't count these things. If you are persistent will take you in."

Facing the empress dowager's earnest words, Su'er suddenly felt a little petty.

This is a palace, not the bedroom of a small family.

Thinking of Su'er's heart in this way was comforted again. The Queen Mother held her in her arms and patted her on the back gently. Give her a very warm and reassuring feeling like a mother.

(End of this chapter)

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