Chapter 196 [Can you help me 3]

"Su'er, if you can let it go, let it go. Only by turning a blind eye can you be happy."

"Hehe, the Queen Mother is right. It's very complicated and I shouldn't be so persistent. Su'er understands. Thank you Queen Mother for clarifying my confusion. Otherwise, Su'er would still want to..."

"Thinking about what?"

"No, nothing."

Su'er smiled sweetly and plunged into the Queen Mother's arms, acting like a child.

I can't tell the queen mother that I want her to help me teach Huangfu a lesson, and then if possible, pat my ass and walk away to let Huangfu cuckold.

"Hehe, hehe, the weather is fine today."

Su'er covered her belly and smiled awkwardly at the Queen Mother with the corners of her mouth twitching.

It is because I was busy and sad that I haven't eaten yet, so my stomach growled wildly, and it sounded extraordinarily loud in the quiet Yongshou Palace.

The queen mother pinched her little face and laughed: "If you forget your troubles, you will remember that you are hungry. According to me, you shouldn't have pushed the emperor away so that I had a good meal and another big man came."

"It turns out that he came to the Empress Dowager's place for dinner. It was because Su'er was not good to Su'er. Next time the emperor wants to come to Yongshou Palace for dinner, Su'er will drag him to my place. Queen Mother, do you think it's okay?"

"Poor mouth, someone here ordered the imperial dining room to prepare three side dishes."

Su'er laughed and begged the queen mother to reward Duoduo with a meal, but Jin Duoduo was too timid to dine with the queen mother, so Su'er had no choice but to ask the kitchen to make two more dishes for Duoduo to use alone in the outer hall meal.

The mood suddenly brightened, and the appetite was particularly good when I ate, and the pain had already been thrown out of the blue.

Su'er stayed in the Empress Dowager's Yongshou Palace for an afternoon. She ate well and slept well, but she couldn't understand that Pekingese dog jumping around.

"Little Jingba, come here."

Ke Ke wagged her tail, glanced at Su'er, whimpered twice and turned her butt to face her.

"Hmph, you actually pointed your ass at me, let's see how I teach you a lesson!!"

Su'er rolled up her sleeves and took a bone to seduce it.

"Little thing, come to my sister!!"

Ke Ke looked back at her, shook her head in a disdainful posture, closed her eyes and fell asleep on the ground.

Damn, even dogs look down on me these days, what is wrong with the world! !
"Ke Ke is tired after playing for so long, you go back, remember Ai Jia's words and don't think about it, since you like it, you have to go to the end."

"Yes, Su'er knows."

(End of this chapter)

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