The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 337 [Despicable Transaction 6]

Chapter 337 [Despicable Transaction 6]

Darkness, she hates darkness, the endless darkness frightens her like a demon.

When Su'er wanted to speak, she realized that her mouth was blocked by something, and she could only make a whining sound.

God, I just ate a plate of fish-flavored shredded pork and wouldn’t treat me like this, or I would spit it out and give it back to you? ? (PS: God doesn't want what you spit out either.)

After pronouncing so many syllables, I still can't get the piece of cloth out of my mouth, it's really stuffed tightly enough.

"you're awake."


The voice in the darkness made people restless, and suddenly the room lit up.

"Su'er, you're awake."

Zhongnanyue! ! !
"Don't yell at me and just take the cloth."

She nodded, what else can I do for a knife and for a fish.

Zhong Nanyue took the cloth from her mouth with a smile, and the first thing she said when she was free was: "How do you know it's me?"

"Master Ding told me that you may not have died and that you came to the Southern Dynasty disguised as a businessman. He also said that in the past two days, the boy next to him saw a strange ring on him. That's it. One."

The moment Zhong Nanyue took out the ring, Su'er became angry.

"Give it back to me!!"

"Hmph, it's ridiculous, he can't even save your life but you still miss what he gave you, I don't know what I can't compare to Huangfu Zi.

You want power, you can have it right away, you want money, I can satisfy you now, I can do everything better than him, why, you tell me why. "

Zhong Nanyue's hand stroked her face, Su'er bit her lip and did not speak.

It turned out that the surname Ding already knew who she was and knew that she hadn't died as an undercover agent by his side, so did he know about Le Yi and Xiao Si?
Will Xiao Si be in danger?

"Ah!! You!!" She glared at Zhong Nanyue angrily, her jaw hurt but she couldn't escape his control.

"I'm talking to you here, but you're thinking of another man in your heart. Let me tell you, this is the secret room I attached. No one has the key except me. They can't help you."

"What do you want to do?"

Su'er was scared, if no one knew she was here, if no one thought of a way to save her, would she die or would she live here forever? ?She was terrified.

Zhong Nanyue laughed, "I won't kill you, I'm going to marry you."


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(End of this chapter)

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