The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 338 [Despicable Transaction 7]

Chapter 338 [Despicable Transaction 7]

Crazy, this man is really crazy, he said he was going to marry me, it was so ridiculous.

"Zhong Nanyue, you really have something wrong with your brain. Did I ever say that I want to marry you? Why do you say you want to marry me?"

"Just because you are in my hands now, if I let you live, you will live and if you die, you will die."

"I'm in your hands, but the woman I'm Huangfu loves isn't yours."

Zhong Nanyue pinched her chin fiercely, "You still think about him, yes, you used to be his woman, but Murong Su'er has long since died, this person has been obliterated by others, and now you have no It's not Murong Su'er, what are you still counting on, are you counting on Huangfu Qin to pick you up? Don't be stupid, people who are thrown away after playing are still daydreaming, wake up."

Don't admit it, don't admit it, just don't admit it.

Huangfu loves me, he likes me, and he will definitely pick me up when the phone matures.

There was a storm in Su'er's heart, she always believed that one day she would be able to return to Huangfu Xin's side, be able to watch him accompany him, and be able to talk to him.

It doesn't matter even if you are teased by him, it doesn't matter even if you are angry with him, as long as you can be together.

She couldn't believe what Zhong Nanyue said, she just didn't believe it.

"You really thought he would pick you up, haha, Su'er, I really don't know if it's because you're being too stupid or naive, or if Huangfu has some medicine to make you fall in love with him.

But these are not problems anymore, no one can separate us from now on. "

"What do you want to do?"

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. I just want to get you. Tomorrow is the time when I become the prince of the Southern Dynasty. When that time comes, I will make you my imperial concubine."

"Zhong Nanyue, stop dreaming, I have already told you very clearly, I will not be with you, even if you break my bones, I will not be with you."

"Murong Su'er can't, but Chu Xiangguo's niece, Chu Xiuhui, you will be Chu Xiu from tomorrow on. Father is so old and he can't care about anything. Once I sit on the emperor's throne, you will be my queen. It won't be long."

Zhong Nanyue's expression frightened her, he was like a madman who had gone crazy and had taken too many drugs.

"Zhong Nanyue, do you think I will be obedient?"

(End of this chapter)

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