The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 339 [Despicable Transaction 8]

Chapter 339 [Despicable Transaction 8]

"No, of course not, that day when you tried your best to stay in the palace, I knew you would not leave with me, you loved Huangfu wholeheartedly and never even looked at me again.

So, I decided to use this to make you obedient. "

Zhong Nanyue took out a small bottle of dark blue liquid and said, "Although this can't change your mind, it can make you stay by my side obediently."

"You don't want to poison me, do you?"

"How could I do this? This medicine is extracted from a kind of flower. The concentration of this kind is very high. You only need a little bit. After you get used to it, you won't be able to leave me."

A strong bad feeling rose from the bottom of my heart.

"This flower is not a poppy, is it?"

"Su'er is really good at guessing, she can guess right, it's definitely this kind of flower."

"Zhong Nanyue, you lunatic, you actually gave me drugs to make me addicted, let me go, I don't want it, let me go!!"

Zhong Nanyue let go of Su'er's hand, stood up and stood aside watching her struggle, "Su'er, this is beyond your control, you forced me to do this."

"No, Zhong Nanyue, don't do this, we have something to discuss, don't be impulsive, okay?"

"I've thought about it for a long time, you will have a good day if I break your leg, if I tie you up, you just want to escape, if I imprison you, I don't know when you will escape again.

The only way is to make you as inseparable from me as you are inseparable from Huangfu Zi, so that you will obediently stay and will not leave. "

"Zhong Nanyue, don't do this, I will hate you forever if you do this."

Su'er's threats didn't work at all for him, Zhong Nanyue looked at her and suddenly smiled and said, "Su'er, do you know, I'd rather you hate me for the rest of your life than leave me one step away."

Zhong Nanyue opened the door, and a middle-aged man and woman came in.

They took the bottle in Zhong Nanyue's hands, dripped two or three drops of the liquid on the tobacco ears, and put it in a very strange container.

The container has only one outlet, and the outlet is made like an oxygen mask.

Before Su'er yelled that they had already tapped her acupuncture points, he couldn't move or make a sound, and then put the mask on her face.

Su'er's heart went hysterical.

Zhong Nanyue, how could you do such a despicable thing! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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