Chapter 352 [Dumb medicine]

"What did you feed me??"

Su'er clasped her mouth with her hands and kept vomiting, but nothing came out. ,

Damn, it's miserable this time.

"Don't be like this, the food I gave you just made your throat feel a little uncomfortable, and you won't want to talk much when you meet Emperor Father tomorrow night."

If it gets to the point where I don't want to talk, then the throat doesn't hurt a little...

"Damn it, where did you get so many weird medicines?"

"These things are very common. I believe there should be some in Huangfu Xin's place. It's just that he kept it from you, so you haven't seen it yet."

"Really." Thank you, I don't want to see them yet, seeing too many of these messy things won't do any good. "What will happen to my throat? You won't make me dumb, will you?"

"How could I make you dumb? This medicine will only make your throat sore and hoarse like why you have a fever. You don't want to talk. You will be fine in three days. Don't worry."

"Then I would like to thank you for not letting me not be able to speak now."

Su'er rubbed her throat, her throat really suffered along with her.

Zhong Nanyue rummaged through the boxes and picked out some jewelry and put them on the bed to show Su'er: "Do you like this batch? I think it is the best among them."

"It's okay." Everything is good, but I just don't like you.Su'er was thinking this way in her heart, but she couldn't say it out.

The hunchbacked dumb uncle kept his head down and said nothing. Su'er suspected that this man was not born dumb, but was made dumb by Zhong Nanyue.

He must still have many unknown secrets that have not been revealed.

"I want to take a shower."


Su'er glared at him, and said slowly: "I said, I want to take a bath, I was bound to this place by you for two days, and I didn't even wash my face, I feel very uncomfortable."

"No, it seems..."

"What's wrong, I said that if I want to take a bath, I have to take a bath. Didn't you say that you will treat me well and make me feel very happy? Why, you can't even help me with the problem of taking a bath??"

Zhong Nanyue was stimulated by Su'er and immediately nodded and said: "Okay, you can go up and take a bath, but you need someone to accompany you, you can't leave you alone, you are too smart, I can't let you play tricks."

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to play tricks." If she could leave just by playing tricks, she would immediately try a thousand tricks, but she didn't even know where she was, and she went out to find Xiaosi. Si would also be in danger, she would not take the initiative to find Xiao Si.

(End of this chapter)

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