The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 353 [Big Wife or Concubine 1]

Chapter 353 [Big Wife or Concubine 1]

Zhong Nanyue still kept his promise, so he called his personal maid in his room to prepare hot water and a change of clothes, and also prepared a table of meals for her.

A very inviting and cozy combination.

He blindfolded Su'er, tied her hands and let her out from the secret passage, and took her back to the room after going around in a circle.

She could feel the steaming heat even without looking.

In winter, this place is like a paradise compared to the dungeon.

Zhong Nanyue took off the cloth from her eyes, and when Su'er opened her eyes, she saw a big bathtub
"I can't take you to the bathing pool now, someone will see you, you can just let it go, the two of them are waiting for you to bathe and change clothes, and the meals are also prepared. When you want to eat, there will be fresh meals to eat immediately ,Like it?"

"I don't know if I like it or not. I want to take a bath now. Can you avoid it for a while or say you like to watch other people take a bath."

Su'er's unceremonious words and cold eyes made the two maids behind her shudder.

Zhong Nanyue was not angry, he just smiled lightly and turned around to leave the room.

"You two are standing outside the screen and I am not allowed to come in if you don't speak. If anyone comes in to watch me take a bath, I will drown in it."

"But His Royal Highness ordered the servants to guard the young lady and never leave."

"You have seen that even he listens to me. If you don't do what I say, I will tell him when I see Zhong Nanyue that you two are not considerate at all.
"Miss, you can't..."

Su'er's eyes widened, her situation is bad enough, what else can't be done.

"I'll count to three and you decide for yourself." Su'er turned around and began to take off his clothes in front of the bathtub. There were exactly three pieces. Every time he took off one piece, he counted a number. When he counted to three places, the two maids finally Turn around and walk to the back of the screen, but they still stare at Su'er.

"Hey, the hot water feels so good." The cold body immediately returned to warmth, and she laughed and splashed water around, making Zhong Nanyue's room drenched.

"The water is getting low, add some hot water for me."

Outside the door, the hunchbacked old man came in again and put a bucket of water outside the screen, asking the two maids to add water to her.

(End of this chapter)

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