The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 355 [Big Wife or Concubine 3]

Chapter 355 [Big Wife or Concubine 3]

"I don't know if it's a blessing, I just know that I'm bored now, why don't you two sing a song for me?"

"I don't know what kind of songs Miss likes to listen to."

Su'er attacked the two of them insinuatingly for a while, but unexpectedly they didn't respond at all except a little embarrassed.

No anger or sadness, just like marionettes, they do what you say.

They are really two good dogs raised by Zhongnanyue.

"Forget it, I don't want to listen to the music anymore, go get me some wine, I want to drink."

"What kind of wine would you like to drink, Miss?"

"I want to drink something strong, I don't want the soft one."

Yihong served her a jug of warm wine, and Su'er put a towel on her head, and lay down in it to sleep with meat in her left hand and wine in her right.

Hey, it would be great if the person guarding the outside was Huangfu, the world would be perfect.

"Yihong, what do you think I look like?"


It was nonsense, but the nonsense was short and clear. "

"Yihong, if I ask you to serve me in the future, would you be willing?"

"His Royal Highness will do as the servants instruct."

It sounds like Yihong was confused by the question he just asked, and she doesn't want to talk to her at all, forget it, if she doesn't want to talk to her, she doesn't want to talk to her anymore.

"I'm going to get up, you are not allowed to turn around."

With two splashes, Su'er got up from the water and wiped her body. Unexpectedly, she didn't feel cold, probably because there is heating in this room.

It's quite comfortable to walk on the floor with bare feet.

"You can come in, Zhongnanyue."

As expected, Zhong Nanyue was waiting at the door. When he came in, he was so cold that one couldn't help but want to hide away.

"Don't come near me, I'm dead."

"Then I'll just stand here."

Su'er saw thin white flakes on his shoulders and hair, and the shiny ones were snowflakes.

"Is it snowing outside?"

Zhong Nanyue nodded, he stood outside as long as Su'er had been washing inside.

A little moved, but Su'er immediately slapped herself in the heart.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. Zhong Nanyue, a mentally ill patient, needs no sympathy and cannot sympathize with him.

"Where do I sleep tonight?"

"You can't get out of this room."

The meaning of disguise is that I want to sleep on the same bed with you...... Insane, she would rather sleep in the cold basement.

"Then I'll sleep in the basement. Remember to give me two more layers of quilt." Su'er finally passed on the clothes, and the clothes of the Southern Dynasty are really troublesome and uncomfortable to wear.

"Okay, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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