Chapter 356 [Anger]

Zhong Nanyue looked at Su'er with complicated eyes, how he wished she would say to stay here tonight.

But she would rather choose the cold basement than sleep in his room.

How ironic.

"Why are you in a daze, why don't you leave?" She almost came out of sleepiness.

"Okay, let's go."

Zhong Nanyue blindfolded Su'er, led her around a few times, and then returned to the room, opened the bed, and let her go into the basement.

Su'er raised the corners of her mouth, she was really a stupid person, her nose told her that she had been to this room just now and had taken a bath in this room.

The secret room where she was imprisoned was in Zhong Nanyue's room.

It seems that he is not only a psychopath but also a big idiot, he didn't even get rid of such obvious evidence, what an idiot, Su'er felt that he would be able to escape from this place.

Back in the cold basement again, Zhong Nanyue generously gave her some quilts.

Huangfu Xin looked at the copywriting sent on the desktop, and the feeling in his heart was so empty that he didn't feel it.

Huangfu Ling didn't speak but just looked at his elder brother. I'm afraid no one expected the current situation.

"What should I do, I'm afraid I can't get it back this time."

"I know."

"Do you want to give up? Maybe it will be much easier after you give up."

Look at Shen Yun and the queen mother, from falling in love to parting, from parting to missing, and then from missing to meeting each other, but what can they do after meeting?

"How much food and grass do we have for our soldiers and horses?"

"It's not enough to drink the Southern Dynasty to fight a war."

Huangfu knew in his heart that since Zhong Nanyue didn't make any request, it meant that he didn't want him to exchange Su'er back. Zhong Nanyue just wanted to keep Su'er by his side.

"Haha, everyone says I look like a fox, but this time I was generalized by Zhong Nanyue and two foxes surnamed Ding."

"It's still very miserable." Huangfu Ling sneered, it was really miserable, he wrote his name upside down if Brother Huang didn't get mad this time.

"Ding Yuanpeng colluded with foreign enemies, and the whole family copied and beheaded all the nine clans."


There is no need for an imperial decree. Huangfu Ling's current words are imperial decrees, and no one dares to oppose them, because those who oppose them will basically have no life to go back alive. Smarter people know how to protect themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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