Chapter 357 [Clothed Beast]

Chickens and dogs in the courtyard of the capital ascended to heaven, but no one knew about it. Everything was done in secret. As long as the common people knew that someone made a mistake and was beheaded, no one cared about what kind of mistake was true or false.

Huangfu was afraid that when he saw Sha Nie, he would have such a bloodthirsty impulse, he was afraid that he couldn't help stepping forward to grab someone and stab the sword fiercely.

For some unknown reason, Su'er suddenly woke up with a shiver.

"Miss, please change your clothes."

Su'er's eyelids hadn't even opened yet, she rubbed her eyes and asked, "Is it still early?"

"Miss wants to go to the palace with the crown prince. She has to wait in the palace before dawn, and wait for the summons when the emperor goes to court."

"Since it is
I have to wait until after the next court to be summoned, so why go now, I want to sleep for a while. "

"Miss, no, please wash and dress, miss."

Hmph, it must be because of what happened yesterday that this girl is taking revenge on her.

Hey, it's really hard to get along with people.

Su'er was dragged up by the two of them to wash, wash and dress, and started to eat breakfast after everything was done.

Eating breakfast before dawn, who can bear it......

"I want to eat..." It's strange, why the throat has become so strange, it's a little rusty, itchy and painful, and it's a little uncomfortable like it's on fire.

"I, I want to eat..."

Strange, still speechless, why, this is so strange, it hurts.

"Miss, let's eat first, it will be fine in three days."

It turned out that it was the effect of the medicine. I thought it was just making my throat feel uncomfortable like a cold, but I didn't expect it to be such a pain.

It's really a first-class "good medicine".

It's really uncomfortable to be manipulated by others, you can only manipulate you in everything, Su'er feels very unhappy in her heart, she can't help but put on a dirty face and stare at the two of them fiercely.

"Miss, you have to cover your eyes."

Yihong put on a blindfold for Su'er and led her up, it was still the same way as yesterday.

Hmph, I already know where this place is, do I still need to do this, it's really too stupid and annoying! ! !

"Su'er, are you ready?"

The well-dressed and handsome appearance of Zhong Nanyue made her think of a word, which is very accurate: dressed beast! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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