Chapter 365 [Substitute 2]

"Master Ding, let's go to the study, there is something I want to talk to you about."

"Prince, please."

Su'er ran to a secluded small room and brought all her belongings, drove away all the servants and stayed in the room quietly, if anyone came in, she would smash the teapot and things.

After being hit twice by her, no one was in the mood to come out and talk.

Su'er smirked in the room: "Haha, let's see if any of you come quickly."

She waits, she waits, she waits...

Although there was a charcoal fire in the room, it was still very cold. Su'er was worried and wondered if she would be able to sneak away successfully this time, and Huangfuhui didn't know about her drug use.

I don't know if this drug is as evil as Zhong Nanyue said, it makes people want to stop and go crazy.

"Holy Mother, please help me overcome this difficulty."

She swears to herself, when she suddenly heard two eerie meows, which startled her.

"No way, when did the meowing of cats become so terrifying, the Prince's Mansion is really not a place for people to stay, everything is so strange."

"Crown princess, the servant has brought you food."

"Get out, I don't want to see you slaves!!" Su'er yelled, who knew which slave was so courageous and said that she didn't want anyone to come in and touch her bad luck.

"Crown princess, the prince asked the servant to give it to you. He said it was your favorite fried meat and sweet potatoes."

sweet potato! !
Su'er immediately opened the door and waved her hand and said, "What are you doing foolishly staying outside, why don't you come in quickly!!"

The boy came in immediately, followed by two boys, one with a hot pot, the other with two plates of meat, and the other with a plate of sweet potatoes.

Everyone is respectful, like a slave, which does not arouse suspicion at all.

"You don't want to go out, peel and boil the meat for me, I'm too lazy to do it."

With a chuckle, she stretched out her hand to touch the face of a boy, and finally found a gap and tore it off.

"Haha, it really is you, Le Yi, who are you?"

"Three, four."

What a concise answer.

"Then what do we do next?"

"You continue to eat, we can do it."

Su'er was foolishly pushed by Le Si on the bench to eat sweet potatoes and meat, and then Su'er saw Le Si go out and shouted for them to come in and touch their acupoints.

"Won't that let them know?"

"Don't worry, Merlin is covering up outside."

(End of this chapter)

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