Chapter 366 [Substitute 3]

She didn't know how Merlin covered herself up outside, she watched them come in with a burlap bag in broad daylight, and put it on the bed.

"who is she?"

Su'er touched her face, but couldn't find any gaps in the mask, but this face was somewhat similar to hers.

"We found someone who looks like you, not bad."

"Well, it's not bad, but where did you find this person?"

"Forget about it, time is running out."

Su'er watched them put the sleepy girl on the bed, and then undressed her without blinking.

It must be because I have watched too much so I am not interested in women's bodies.

But if it goes on for a long time, will they have no interest in women at all?

Would it be possible that each one of them would turn towards being interested in men...

It's worth considering.

"Miss, get ready, please take this with you, it may be a bit uncomfortable, but for safety's sake, please."

A mask is so vivid that it looks very inconspicuous.

Su'er put on the mask to touch up her makeup, put on the woman's clothes on the bed, and bowed to her very sorry.

"I'm sorry, little beauty, I want you to pretend to be me, but your life should not be in danger, so you can just get to the bottom of your words, bye."

Su'er pretended to be okay and followed them out with her head bowed and her waist bowed. At first she was worried about whether there was any risk in doing so. Wouldn't it be bad luck if someone recognized her?

But her worries were completely overstated, the road was unimpeded, and occasionally a few people would pass by but none of them stopped and thought there was a problem.

This is really a magical world.

Su'er was still touched for a while while holding the things she stole.


The carriage that stopped in the alley rushed out like flying, Su'er didn't have time to brake and hit his head.

"Le Yi, Xiaosi is still inside, shouldn't we wait for him?"

"Of course there will be someone to take care of the prince, you can rest assured, miss."

If she couldn't see Huangfuhui for a minute, she couldn't feel at ease for a minute.

Zhong Nanyue wouldn't kill her, but it would be different if it was Huangfuhui. It was very likely that she would be stabbed. If that was the case, then how could she have any face.

(End of this chapter)

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