Chapter 385 [Retribution 5]

"Little prince, is it right for a slave to do this?"

"Duo Duo, you've done a good job. Just get close to her and learn more about Concubine Chen from her. The more the better."

"Duoduo, you were so natural just now that I couldn't tell you were pretending." Sheng'er smiled and took Jin Duoduo's hand, with "Sweet Couple of the Year" written on her face.

Huangfuhui encouraged: "Go on, it's up to you whether you can take revenge."

"My lord, I want to ask, since the lady is not dead, where is she now? Can I see her?"

"Duoduo, I also want to see Su'er, but unfortunately I only saw Su'er twice. Next time, if Brother Huang still agrees with me, I will definitely take you with me. How about you, Sheng'er? Do you want to go?"

In the past few months, Huangfu Hui has let go of a lot of pimples towards Sheng'er in her heart, and her attitude towards Sheng'er is also very kind.

Sheng'er was still a little unaccustomed to it.

"It's not good for all of us to go. Let's go first. She thinks that the lady is going crazy."

"It's so considerate. Well, if I have a chance to go next time, I will definitely take you with me. Don't talk about it, go back quickly, and don't let others cause misunderstandings."

"Well, we're leaving, my lord, we're waiting for your news." After Sheng'er and Jin Duoduo had resigned, Huang Fuhui ran to Concubine Chen's bedroom, trying to ambush her behind.

Concubine Chen was completely unaware that there was a sinister and murderous look waiting for her in her bedroom, and she foolishly walked forward while playing with the fox fur in her hand.

Huangfuhui took the opportunity to pop a stone from her fingers onto Concubine Chen's leg, she fell down in the snow in pain, her knee turned blue instantly when the thick ice hit the ground.

"You people who don't have eyes, if you don't clean up the thick ice on the ground, I'm going to break your knees, there's nothing there."

Concubine Chen slapped the two people around her with two slaps, one by one, and the maids on both sides fell to the ground covered in snow.

"What are you still doing in a daze, you haven't helped me up yet, be careful of your skin."

Xiaocui then rushed to see Concubine Chen fell to the ground and immediately rushed to help her.

After Concubine Chen stood up, she slapped Xiao Cui on the face again. The five finger marks just now hadn't disappeared yet, and now there was another one, and Xiao Cui's face was swollen.

(End of this chapter)

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