Chapter 386 [Retribution 6]

"Things with no eyesight, just ran somewhere to be lazy, and just came here now, don't you want to be happy to see Bengong fall to death!!"

"Your Majesty, this is not what I mean by slaves, don't get me wrong."

"Then you're saying that Ben Gong is wrong. What a slave, you dare to contradict Ben Gong. Don't sleep tonight and let Ben Gong stand outside to punish you."

"Your Majesty, please be kind, the slaves in the cold weather are afraid..."

Concubine Chen stared, Xiaocui lowered her head and dared not speak.

The more she said, the more mistakes she made, Concubine Chen was so angry that she had better say a few words less.

But Xiaocui's heart was sour, and she immediately thought of Jin Duoduo.

Why is my life not as good as hers?

The same is true for servants, other people's masters are still living well after death.

And her master is simply a nightmare for her, and she wishes she would die sooner.

Two young eunuchs helped Concubine Chen go to the bedroom.

Huangfu Hui sneaked away from the side when she saw that she was happy.

Although I feel a little sorry for the maid, there is nothing I can do about it.

On this snowy day, it was unbearably cold at night, even wearing a few mink fur coats would make people shudder, let alone a weak woman like Xiao Cui.

With a weak body and no good clothes to protect her from the cold, standing in the snow for one night and being able to jump around alive the next day is God's blessing and good deeds.

When it was dark at night, it was snowing heavily again.

Xiao Cui stood alone at the door of the sundry room without a sip of hot water or food. After adding a few clothes, she still couldn't resist the cold wind.

She's almost turning into a popsicle.

When the tears overflowed, they turned into something cold and stuck to her face, and it hurt even a little pulling.

I wish I had a fireplace next to me.

"Xiao Cui, Xiao Cui, it's me!!"

"A lot...a lot" Xiao Cui started to tremble as she spoke.

Jin Duoduo turned over from the wall, holding a bamboo basket in his mouth.

After getting off the fence, she ran straight to Xiaocui, found a stove from the basket and stuffed it into her arms.

"Come on, warm up, it's freezing cold, I still don't believe it when people say you were punished to stand here at night, but I didn't expect it to be true, how are you doing, are you feeling better?"

(End of this chapter)

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