Chapter 390 [Retribution 10]

Concubine Chen's wish finally came true. When she woke up the next morning, her throat became hoarse and dry, and she felt excruciating pain when she said a word, and her head was dizzy.

But she was still very happy.

"Does Bengong look like a patient now?"

"Extremely similar, the slave is going to spread the news that the empress is sick."

Concubine Chen wore two thick clothes, last night it was enough for her to choke, the bed was also cold, the room was also cold, and the outside wind was blowing inside.

Xiao Cui stood outside for a whole night and finally managed to save her life. Before others came, she immediately hid the things Jin Duoduo gave her, and immediately went back to continue serving Concubine Chen.

As soon as I entered the door, I felt that the room was cold today, which was very strange, so I asked: "Is there no heating in the room? Why is it so cold, be careful that your mother will peel your skin."

"It's a big deal if you don't die all night outside, so hurry up and cook something alive."

"Well, I know that, but why is it so cold in the room? You haven't answered me yet."

The little eunuch whispered in Xiao Cui's ear: "You don't know, last night Concubine Chen said that she had a cold and brought the emperor to visit her, saying that she was following the example of Concubine Yu."

"Oh, that's it." Xiaocui felt very uncomfortable, her throat was also very sore, and her body stiffness has not been relieved until now, and her master, in order to let a man walk into this room to take a look at her , I actually thought of a way to make myself sick.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

"Eat something warm and go outside."


Hearing the word "outside", Xiaocui's spirit became tense.

The little eunuch knew at a glance that he was frightened by yesterday's punishment, and immediately comforted him: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I told you to go outside to spread the news about Concubine Chen's illness, not for you to be punished.

Does the master want everyone to know about this matter? "

"Oh, then I'll go right away."

Xiao Cui ate something in a hurry, and ran out before her stomach was full, and said with a sad face when she saw anyone that her concubine Chen was ill, and she seemed to be very ill.

On the surface, others made a look of regret, but they turned around and scolded her.

Who doesn't know what Concubine Chen is thinking in her heart, the intention is a little too obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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