Chapter 391 [Retribution 11]

But who told Xiaocui to be a woman and others to be masters, and the slaves could not listen to the abuse when the master spoke?Can't.

Concubine Chen was overjoyed to see that the news of her illness had spread throughout the palace. According to the momentum, the emperor would come to see her soon.

The excitement in her heart was clearly visible on her pale face.

"Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager is here to see you."

As soon as the words fell, the queen mother walked to the bed in a few steps wearing a thick mink fur coat and a heavy phoenix crown.

"The concubine pays her respects to the Empress Dowager."

"Hurry up, lie down and don't get up, you are already in this state, why are you asking for peace, look at how sick this little face is, it's so pitiful, why don't you take good care of your master, the people in this room big eater."

The queen mother was angry, and there were still a few people in the room who dared to speak, and all of them lowered their heads.

Concubine Chen understood that this was the time for her to show her magnanimity.

"Empress Dowager, it was the concubine who ran out to play in the snow by herself, and suddenly wanted to see the snow scene in the middle of the night, and caught herself cold. Empress Dowager, please don't blame them, they really take good care of the concubine."

The queen mother covered the quilt for Concubine Chen distressedly, and said: "When did you become so patient with the slaves, a slave is a slave, and it is a crime not to take good care of the master. I will punish them on your behalf. It also makes them improve their memory a little bit."

"Your Majesty, don't say that. It's really the concubine's fault. You should spare them. It's almost Chinese New Year, and it's not good to see blood." Concubine Chen's pear blossoms were raining, she just didn't want the Empress Dowager to punish them.

If these slaves were not sure, they would tell her what she did wrong, so that even if the emperor wanted to see her, he would turn around and leave.

She didn't want things to develop like this.

It's not that the Queen Mother doesn't give Concubine Chen face, and she doesn't really want to punish Concubine Chen, she just pretends to be excited and caring about Concubine Chen.

Now that Concubine Chen has said so, she has no reason to insist on punishing these slaves.

"Since you have pleaded for them in this way, then let it go, but here are a few more words to advise you, don't be soft-hearted to these people, if the slave does something wrong, he should be punished and beaten, and he will not be punished. Suffering has no long memory."

"Yes, what the empress dowager said is true, the concubine will keep it in mind."

(End of this chapter)

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