Chapter 392 [Retribution 12]

"Well, Ai's family sent you some supplements. You should take them away and eat slowly. Your foundation is weak in the winter, so you must supplement your body. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, my concubine thanked the queen mother."

Seven or eight court ladies came in, each holding a pile of things in their ears and hands. Concubine Chen saw a ginseng that was bigger than a white radish.

He was secretly happy in his heart, which showed that the queen mother cared about her very much.

"I'll drink this ginseng in boiled water later. It looks like your voice is hoarse. The emperor said before that it's your favorite voice. When you speak, it sounds sweet. Don't let this The typhoid fever broke your throat too."

Concubine Chen nodded with a smile, knowing that the emperor still likes her, otherwise it would be impossible to mention her liking for her voice in front of the queen mother.

This time there is definitely a drama.

"You have a good rest, Aijia will not bother you, and you don't have to send your body away."

"Go slowly, Queen Mother."

Concubine Chen personally looked at the things the Queen Mother sent, and there was actually a string of pearl necklaces inside. The color and size of each round pearl were the same.

This string of pearl necklaces has a total of [-] pearls, and the whole string of pearls is light pink. She has never seen such a beautiful pearl necklace.

Concubine Chen held the string of pearl necklace happily around her neck and played with it for a while, then felt a little sleepy and fell asleep amidst the excitement.

She also dreamed that Huangfu Xin was sitting by her bed, staring at her face with a pair of warm eyes, then stretched out his hand to touch her face, and couldn't help laughing.

A group of servants stood by the bed and saw her smiling so happily, they were both amused and worried.

"Xiao Cui, go and boil this ginseng into ginseng soup."


These small things are always done by Xiaocui. She holds a ginseng that is as long as her arm and has five flavors in her heart. She cuts it into small sections with a knife and puts it in a medicine jar to cook slowly.

The scenery outside is so white that it's hard to open the eyes, Su'er's eyes are all white, the cold air outside the window rushes towards her, she is very cold, but she is a little clear-headed due to the cold.

She doesn't even dare to look at herself now, she doesn't know what she's doing when she's mad, and she doesn't want to remember what she did when she wakes up.

(End of this chapter)

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