Chapter 393 [Retribution 13]

Her mouth was also stuffed with a piece of cloth, which made her jawbone hurt a bit.

"Miss, the Chinese New Year is coming soon. Look at the beautiful scenery outside. You will be able to go out in half a month. Are you happy?"

happy?She didn't know that now Su'er was no longer the one who had full confidence in herself and felt that she could do anything.

"Miss, do you see the snow outside is very pure and white, do you like it?"

Su'er nodded, she doesn't like winter but she likes snow.

The white snow all over the sky seems to be able to drown out all the happy things and all the dirty things, leaving only a piece of indiscriminate purity.

Madam Hu hugged Su'er lightly and said, "Look at that snow, it's so beautiful, it's so beautiful that it makes people feel sorry for leaving a trace of stain on it.

But someone is more beautiful than this snow. "

Su'er's eyes looked at Mrs. Hu anxiously, her brain seemed to be too slow to turn around.

"Miss, don't you know that you are more beautiful than this snow scene in the emperor's heart, so beautiful that he is reluctant to give up on you."

Su'er heard this sentence clearly and understood, she shook her mouth twice, Madam Hu hesitated and finally took out the cloth from her mouth, and said: "Miss, do you want to talk or drink water and eat something. "

"I don't drink water and I don't want to eat. Let me ask you, why do you say that I am beautiful? Can I be said to be beautiful? How can I be more beautiful than this scenery."

Mrs. Hu did not expect Su'er to say that.

Normally, they would say something like "Really?"

Mrs. Hu, who was killed at the moment, was a little caught off guard, but she was a person who had experienced it after all, and she was good at coaxing people, so she immediately said: "This snow scene is very beautiful, but no matter how beautiful the emperor is, he never misses it or feels it is a pity to step on it.

But miss, you are different, the emperor wants to save you time and time again, he is reluctant to part with you, in his heart you are the best person. "

"Really, but, but he still has so many women, and I'm not the only one."

"How can a man not have three wives and four concubines? You are the only one in his heart. Don't you remember the ring that the emperor gave you? It was something that the emperors of all ages had. He attaches great importance to you. Don't you feel it when you are put together with his country?"

"I... I don't know, I thought I was the only one who always thought this way, I don't know, I want to sleep, I want to sleep!!"

"Okay, don't get excited, go to sleep, now I will close the window and you can sleep well."

(End of this chapter)

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