Chapter 398 [Retribution 19]


"Emperor, you are here, hurry up and sit down."

The queen mother smiled and stretched out her hand to pull Huangfu to sit beside her, and the maids and eunuchs on both sides slowly stepped back to let the two of them sit in the room.

The entire dormitory is so big, but there are only the two of them, and they seem a little lonely and lonely.

"Mother, why are you here? I remember that it has been burned."

Huangfu Xin's voice sounded obviously unpleasant, but he was already suppressing himself, and if the other party wasn't the queen mother, he wouldn't suppress himself like this.

The queen mother looked at the box, and she understood what Huangfu was thinking, after all, it belonged to his biological mother.

"Huanger, did you want to destroy that string of pearls when you saw it?"

That string of pearls is not an ordinary pearl. The reason why it emits such a brilliant pink color is because the string of pearls was soaked in the potion for a long time after it was made.

That string of pearls is poison, and anyone who gets close to it will be poisoned without knowing it. His biological mother was so seriously ill and died so early because of this string of pearls.

Of course he hated it when he knew about it, and he wanted to kill this string of pearls ten thousand times.

"Emperor, the past is over. There is nothing wrong with pearls. It is people who are wrong. It is people who don't want to use it to do bad things. Isn't it helping you by giving it to Concubine Chen this time?"

"So you know everything, Queen Mother."

"I'm afraid the only one who doesn't know is Concubine Chen. In fact, she is the same as many people in this palace, but she thinks a little bit more of herself and is a little bit stupid, and she doesn't please you."

"Queen, this string of pearls is poisonous. This poison is very strange and won't kill people, but it will make people unable to eat and easily have hallucinations. Where have you kept this string of pearls for so many years?"

"You talk to the queen mother as if you are interrogating a prisoner. Naturally, the queen mother has a place to collect it." The queen mother's eyes dodged for a while, and Huangfu sneered.

"Mother, if you want to drive Hexi to the west, you don't have to make yourself suffer."

As expected of the child chosen by the late emperor, a few words are enough

"It's all happened in the past. Hasn't the queen mother given the necklace away now?"

"It doesn't work if you give it away, I'm going to call the imperial doctor to take a look."

"Come on, the queen mother is really fine, you didn't see it, and if you leak the matter now, wouldn't you tell Chen Feiai's family that she is harming her?"

(End of this chapter)

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