Chapter 399 [Retribution 20]

To this empress, Huangfu had nothing to say.

What kind of mind made her want to hurt herself like this, the necklace is like a spell that poisons the person who holds it to the end.

Concubine Chen didn't need him to do anything, but Huangfu still felt uncomfortable. How could the empress hide the necklace in the bedroom without telling him.

"Anyway, let the imperial doctor do an examination for the queen mother. This matter is big or small. I will go to the imperial doctor right away. Queen mother, you can rest here."

Seeing the running figure of Huangfu, the Empress Dowager couldn't tell what it was like in her heart.

Looking at the dressing box, he smiled wryly and said to himself: "This kid says he is smart but sometimes he is so stupid, he is said to be cruel but he is so gentle, Yu'er, you really gave birth to a good son .

I kept these pearls in the bedroom for so many years to atone for my sins. I gave you this string of pearls as a sister back then. After you died, I found a scapegoat.

Whether you say I'm shameless or cruel, I don't care now, I really treat him as my child, you should be able to see him.

He is such a good boy. "

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Huangfu Xin's mouth, it turned out that he could really hear so clearly from the roof.

After all these years of speculation, there is finally an answer.

Such a heavy burden, but I didn't feel the slightest feeling in my heart.

There is no hatred or surprise, no joy or pain.

It turns out that when some things have been expected for a long time and guessed for a long time, when they get the answer, it really makes people so dull.

It turned out that at this time, his affection for his biological mother was far inferior to his affection for the queen mother.

It turns out that hatred and grievances can disintegrate in an instant.

The frozen desolation in my heart finally began to melt.

This is what Huangfu has been waiting for for a long time.

He had the urge to rush in and tell the Queen Mother that everything was over and everything was indifferent, but his reason told her no.

In this way, the queen mother thought that he didn't know anything and everything was a secret, and he still smiled and talked to her as usual, and that was enough.

Director Du looked at Huangfu's back standing on the roof and felt sour in his heart. This world is really too mysterious, even Huangfu's back looks so mysterious.

(End of this chapter)

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