Monster Rush

Chapter 110 Fallen people must die!

Chapter 110 Fallen people must die!
"Go to hell, dog traitor!"

In Lei Chuan's view, this group of traitors who betrayed their own race are as abominable as traitors. Wars can be lost, but fallen people must die!
After finally escaping from the master's clutches, before they had time to rejoice, suddenly everyone felt that a killing intent that was so thick that it almost formed a substance came from the sky.

Everyone was shocked, but also a little sad and angry. Could it be that the master wants to kill them all!

A scream rang out, and Lei Chuan grabbed his head with one hand to cheer up a fallen man with the appearance of a young man, struggling constantly, his legs shaking desperately.

Lei Chuan looked at it indifferently, then glanced at the rest of the Fallen, and said in a serious tone:


With a slight force from the big hand, the fallen man's head was directly crushed, and the body stopped struggling immediately, and was thrown on the ground like garbage.

"Everyone, give it to me!"

An old witch-fallen commanded all the people to come forward, and they all rushed towards Lei Chuan, but he retreated slightly, as if he wanted to use his clansmen as human shields to escape from this place.

Lei Chuan looked at these struggling ants coldly, swung his bronze war sword, and a cruel arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

I haven't used swordsmanship for a long time, and it's time to upgrade!

Fallen human race abandoned the identity of human race, and the blood of the evil race was infused into their bodies, and the power used was naturally "filthy spiritual power".

In fact, after the fall, these people look even uglier than before.Regardless of men, women, young or old, all of them have dark skin, and it is charcoal black like being scorched. Their faces are pitted, with several bulges, and some of them burst directly, spitting out yellowish pus, which looks extremely disgusting. !
After approaching them, Lei Chuan also smelled a foul smell from everyone, just like the smell produced by tens of millions of salted fish stuffed into stinky socks that haven't been washed for several years and then put in the toilet. Fortunately, he hadn't eaten yet, otherwise Lei Chuan would have vomited it up immediately.

In this way, they can give them another reason to exterminate the clan - affecting the appearance of the city!
The bronze battle sword was swung out, and a ten-meter-long air blade was drawn in the air, directly slashing through the three Fallen Humans who rushed forward.

Immediately, a large stream of blood spurted out from each person's waist, and with the help of the upper body separated from the lower body, with the help of the inertia generated by running, the lower body continued to run forward for several steps before falling down.

Three people were eliminated at once, but there were at least a hundred people left on the field.

"Bitch, die! All your things are mine!"

This is a little hairy child of the Fallen Human Race, about seven or eight years old, extremely ugly, his eyes have been greedily staring at the bronze war sword in Lei Chuan's hand, as if he has regarded it as his own.

He rushed in front of Lei Chuan all of a sudden, held back a mouthful of fishy saliva, and spat towards him.Lei Chuan hid to the side with disgust on his face, and at the same time swung his sword.

Hearing a shrill scream, the fallen human child covered his mouth and screamed loudly, but he seemed to feel that his mouth hurt more, so he hurriedly covered it, only whimpering.

Behind, a fallen woman screamed and ran forward, staring at Lei Chuan with thick and vicious eyes, howled loudly:

"It's just spitting, but you are so cruel to my son, he is just a child! You bloody bastard!"

Lei Chuan sneered secretly in his heart: Still just a child?You bastards are still telling me this?Go to hell, all the brats!

The war sword fell, and the blade was directly inserted into the bear boy's mouth, piercing through his palm, smashing his tongue to pieces.For a moment, the sobbing of the bear boy stopped abruptly.

When the fallen human woman saw this scene, she let out an even more miserable scream.I saw Lei Chuan strung the brat up high with his sword, then ran towards the woman.

When the other party wanted to pick it up with his own hands, he saw the corpse burst open suddenly, turning into countless sword qi and rushing towards the woman.

The already disfigured face of the fallen human woman was completely destroyed.Before she could utter a scream in the future, the woman's body split into pieces and fell to the ground in pieces.

After dealing with the disgusting pair of mother and son, Lei Chuan seemed to feel that this was too slow, so he swung his bronze battle sword, drew a nearly 50-meter-long dragon of sword energy in the sky, and charged into the crowd.

For a while, the screams continued.


An overweight man with bulging pus like an obese otaku charged towards Lei Chuan. Although he was full of murderous intent, there was a hint of obscenity in his eyes, staring at Lei Chuan's...his.

Lei Chuan felt very disgusted, and swung out his sword energy, and under the man's screams, he was skinned alive, and the pieces of flesh flew all over the place, until only a skeleton was left on the field.

"It's just an enemy, you are so ruthless, we used to be compatriots!"

A burly fallen man said to Lei Chuan in a very sad and indignant tone.The ugly face was full of righteousness and righteousness, as if Lei Chuan was the heinous sinner.

"Now that you kneel down and surrender, there is still time to atone for your sins. You know, put down the butcher's knife, and it will be... ah!"

Before the depraved man finished speaking, the expressionless Lei Chuan had already opened his heart with the blade and smashed it to pieces.

To speak justice to the enemy?Trying to achieve your ulterior purpose through talking about it?Damn whore, let's die!
This battle Lei Chuan killed very frankly, not only because the traitor was executed on the spot, but because of some special reason. Unable to make a move on it.Now seeing such a group of Fallen Humans who are similar to them both in appearance and personality, Lei Chuan was so excited that he couldn't control himself. He couldn't control himself and let the other party die so happily!


With an obese body and distorted limbs, the aunt of the fallen human race is running towards Lei Chuan in a very strange posture. Perhaps in the eyes of a certain group of people with abnormal aesthetics, this is a very beautiful dance.

But it's a pity that Lei Chuan was not such a person, the blade of air swept over the tip of the sword, flew towards the fallen aunt, and directly disemboweled her to death.His grandma, I have already made you square dancers very upset!

"A lowly kind is a lowly kind. I don't know how to respect the old and love the young. It was a very correct decision to leave you at the beginning! If you are sensible, you can still join us now. This way you can escape from the miserable life... Ah!"

Lei Chuan looked at the fallen old man who was lying on the ground, and saw his face pretending to be serious even when he was about to die. He didn't even bother to listen to what he was saying, so he just stepped on it, trampling his face to the ground. rotten.

Fuck the old stuff of Pengci too!

"Wait, I have money here, I got it from...greedy...ah!"

The same goes for corrupt officials.

"Look, little brother of the human race, I killed my boyfriend, I can be with you, it doesn't matter if you don't have a car or a house, as long as you forgive him... ah!"

Green tea table also die!

"Big brother, you killed your father and mother, so you want to kill your little... ah!"

Even loli will die.

In the end, Lei Chuan had killed so frantically that no matter men, women, old or young, as long as they were fallen humans, they were all slaughtered.Lei Chuan himself did not expect that these people's minds would be distorted to such an extent after their fall.He once tortured the old man who fell into a witch, and he knew how weak the willpower of this group of people is, and how weird and evil their way of thinking is. Can the human race be so evil after they have fallen?

In the end, more than 100 fallen people were all slaughtered under Lei Chuan's attack like cutting melons and vegetables.After dealing with the traitor, Lei Chuan felt at ease physically and mentally, his thoughts were clear, and he was refreshed like never before. It was as fascinating as taking drugs and having sex... No, no, no!This is not addictive!

"Even if they are compatriots, as long as they are traitors, they must die? Human race, it really opened my eyes!"

From behind Lei Chuan, there was an indifferent hum.But he wasn't surprised at all. After all, from the very beginning, Lei Chuan had been opening up [War Vision], and from the perspective of God, he couldn't detect any movement.

The person standing behind him is none other than another leader of the evil army, the son of evil, the dark starlight!

(End of this chapter)

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