Monster Rush

Chapter 111 The Fall of the Evil Son

Chapter 111 The Fall of the Evil Son

Gloomy Starlight, on the premise that it is not included in the evil heart fortress, its combat power is even higher than that of Gloomy Starscar. Now Lei Chuan is facing it, without any tricks, only to be killed in seconds.

But simply, in order to force out the trump cards of his compatriots, Gloomy Starlight used his own power to overcome the onslaught of Zoga and Gorzan. The three-color Xieyue, the source of the power of the evil race, has been beaten to pieces, and its combat power has reached its peak. One-twentieth of the period could not be reached, so this gave Lei Chuan a chance.

And don't forget, Leonix are all monster walkers!

As soon as he saw the dark starlight coming towards him, Lei Chuan immediately summoned Godzilla and Ghidorah, and he approached this evil son in three directions.

Among them, King Ghidorah has the highest combat power and is the main attacking position; Godzilla is in the formation; and Lei Chuan plays the role of auxiliary command and sneak attack. Under his command, whether it is Ghidorah or Godzilla The attack positions have become extremely tricky, forcing Gloomy Starlight to be at a disadvantage temporarily.

There is no way, the "filthy spiritual power" in its body is running out, and every bit must be saved to gain the greatest results at the lowest cost; while Lei Chuan's purpose is completely opposite, to force the enemy to exhaust himself with the least consumption every bit of strength.From a certain level, this is another intellectual duel.

"Godzilla, Earthquake!"

Lei Chuan surprised the two of them from the very beginning.Ghidorah, who is the most powerful, did not attack first, but Godzilla, who was several levels weaker in combat power, went first.

As the "King of Monsters" who has entered the growth stage, Godzilla's nuclear transformation physique has been greatly enhanced, and even melee combat will bring a small amount of radiation elements. In Lei Chuan's view, this is worse than poisonous. Want something scary!

[Earthquake Step] As soon as it stepped out, the sound of clicking sounded continuously under its feet, and the spider web-like cracks spread around Godzilla on a large scale, eventually directly causing a large-scale ground collapse.

The earth sank downward, and the dark starlight frowned, and could not help but circulate the "filthy spiritual power" and flew towards the sky.

Take advantage of now!
A cold light flashed in Lei Chuan's eyes, and he gave orders directly to Godzilla and Guido:

"Godzilla, the tail whip flashes forward, and at the same time, heat energy is charged... Ghidorah launches a dive attack, and after successfully attacking the target, perform a dragon head strangle... If you fail, retreat immediately!"

According to Lei Chuan's instructions, the two monsters started to move.

Godzilla flicked his thick tail and whipped towards the dim starlight.However, the opponent didn't feel any panic, his body trembled, and he moved five meters abruptly to the side, avoiding the attack range of [Tail Whip].

"hold head high!"

On the other side, King Ghidorah spread his wings and flew towards the sky. After circling a circle, his wings suddenly stopped and fell vertically from the sky as if he had been petrified.

At the next moment, Ghidorah flapped his wings again, and his huge gravity and the huge inertia generated by the free fall were all perfectly superimposed together. Such terrifying power was all endowed on the wings, roaring towards the dark starlight to kill Come.

Feeling the fierce wind, the son of evil heart can keenly feel that the surrounding space has stopped flowing at this moment, and it has become extremely heavy. Every time he moves a finger, he consumes four or five times the usual energy.

This is the horror of [Dive Attack]!Temporary bound state, super large attack range, if this blow is real, even if Gloomy Starlight is not dead, half of the bones on his body will be broken directly, and all the surrounding 500 meters of land will be rolled away.

And not only that, the earthquake step that Godzilla stepped on just now has already destroyed a piece of the surrounding land structure, and now, with Ghidorah's large-scale attack, it can directly create a depth of thousands of meters. In this way, Ghidorah attacked in the sky, Godzilla rushed on the ground, and with Lei Chuan's sneak attack and command, the disadvantage of Gloomy Starlight became more and more obvious.

Unexpectedly, in less than a year, Lei Chuan has been able to think of such a meticulous strategy, one after another, his battle command has grown to such a terrifying level!

At the critical moment, the dark starlight suddenly summoned the shattered three-color evil moon, turned it around several times, burst into a monstrous evil aura, and filled the air with dense fog. For a while, it was foggy and unable to detect the enemy's figure.

If it was other methods, Lei Chuan would be a little more cautious, but if it was just this, he sneered instead. [War Vision] The senses of ordinary creatures cannot be simply confused. Any organic and inorganic substances can be easily distinguished, just like a full-view map.

The thermal energy reaction on Gloomy Starlight is as bright as a torch in the field of vision.Lei Chuan directly ordered Ghidorah:

"A 40° angle to the right!"

So, under the astonished eyes of the local enemies, Ghidorah swooped in screaming, his wings cut the ground like blades, and the strong wind turned into countless blades that cut across the ground, but the ground was fragmented at this moment It completely exploded, and for a while, the wind howled, the sand and rocks flew, and the ground with a radius of more than a thousand meters sank downward, forming a huge sinkhole.

In an instant, the gunpowder smoke dissipated, revealing a figure of dim starlight.

Now it looks very miserable.One arm was broken at the root, and the body was covered with densely packed small wounds, blood kept oozing out, and a big gash was cut on the face, almost cutting the whole face in half!
Although [Dive Attack] didn't kill the evil son, it almost harvested three-quarters of its health, and it was not far from death.

Ghidorah followed Lei Chuan's instructions, and retreated without hesitation after the dive attack failed to kill the opponent.On the other hand, Godzilla's thermal energy has accumulated to the maximum. Under Lei Chuan's command, the [Super Heat Ray], which is two or three times thicker than usual, swept towards the dark starlight.

It was already exhausted, looking at the overwhelming pillar of fire that swept over the sky, still with a face of indifference, the three-color evil moon moved out, blocking in front of itself like a shield.

The flames were blown apart and spread to both sides.But with such a violent impact, there were more and more cracks on the surface of Xie Yue, and the sound of cracking continued.

With a crisp sound, Xie Yue shattered and turned into a gray mist and blown away.The gloomy starlight couldn't bear it anymore, a column of blood spewed out of his mouth, and his expression suddenly became sluggish.

Suddenly, a distorted orange light beam fell from the sky, catching Gloomy Starlight by surprise, and completely piercing through his chest.It turned out that Lei Chuan took advantage of the [Super Heat Ray] attack to dissipate directly, and directly released [Leyblad Death Light], directly hitting the dark starlight.

So mortally wounded, it had no chance of surviving.

"Ding! Kill the enemy [leader] unit, extract life energy, evolution points +5000, monster points +8000, dark soul +500, career experience +1400, killing experience +170!"

"Ding! Monster evolution points + 1500, monster enhancement points + 2000, the bond level for [Godzilla] is increased, and the summoning level is increased; the bond level for [Ghidorah] is increased, and the summoning level is increased!"

"Ding! Fighting instrument "BATTLENIZER" level 3 (12000/12000) experience value is full, upgrade to the next level...

Fighting instrument "BATTLENIZER" level 4 (1/18000)..."

Lei Chuan's points have accumulated to a very scary stage. The evolution points are close to [-], and the monster points... have been summoning monsters frequently recently, so there are not many left, but the total number of monster evolution points and monster enhancement points has accumulated to [-] each And about [-].

Looking at the still stalemate battlefield in the distance, Lei Chuan felt that although his current strength was still at the top level in the alliance, he was still too vulnerable in the face of this group of monsters with extraordinary combat power. The strengthening process is about to start again.

(End of this chapter)

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