Monster Rush

Chapter 168 Ringing the Death Knell of Heaven

Chapter 168 Ringing the Death Knell of Heaven

"Sorry, I'm being self-righteous, I didn't expect that what was considered to be a rumor at first is true..."

As a matter of course, Iron Curtain, who was killed by Lei Chuan in one move, sincerely apologized to Lei Chuan.In his cognition, the strong is everything, he is not strong enough, he must apologize if he offends the other party, and punish himself to get the other party's forgiveness if necessary.

Seeing a big man with a height of three meters looking at him pitifully, Lei Chuan felt his scalp go numb for a while, so he waved his hands quickly and said:

"It's okay, it's okay, just don't be so reckless next time, you must know that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky..." Balabala said a lot.

"Yes, yes, I will definitely remember it in my heart!"

Lord Iron Curtain replied in fear and trepidation again.

As for the members of the Iron God Department who were watching the battle, they were already in a state of bewilderment.

Advance the time by 5 minutes.

Lei Chuan walked up to the Yuntai school field in a cool and free manner. This move alone was enough to make everyone put away their contempt for him.Regardless of whether they are opponents of the Iron Curtain, they are undoubtedly powerful fighters who can easily deal with themselves.

"Well, the gravity generated by the magnetic field is [-] times its own weight, and it will become larger and larger as time goes by. It is estimated that the limit is [-] times. Only fighters with [extraordinary physique] can completely exempt from this weight.

Looking at the other party's equally relaxed appearance, Lei Chuan knew that he must have reached [Supernatural Physique]. Although there is only one extraordinary value, the other party undoubtedly has the qualifications to become a "spiritual practitioner".

So, it took 1 minute just to go on stage, the next 4 minutes and 1 minute were lectures on the Iron Curtain, and only 3 minutes were the real battle.

But it's not accurate to say that it's a battle. It's mainly Lei Chuan's stand, and the Iron Curtain's crazy output.

Within ten seconds before the start of the battle, Iron Curtain realized that he was by no means an opponent of the deputy leader, but with a heart of learning, he still tried his best to do everything he could, hoping to get some help from Lei Chuan. advise.

"Please advise me" is not empty words.

Originally, Lei Chuan had the idea of ​​teaching the other party a lesson at first.But when they met for the first time, they knew that the other party was not some violent and cool Long Aotian, Zhao Ritian and the like, and added the other party's sincere and serious eyes, so they followed the other party's wish.

The ensuing battle was completely a scene of a teacher pointing out students.

Iron Curtain combat power is not bad.His weapon is a Fangtian painted halberd, which is extremely difficult to use, but it looks like a dragon in his hands, pointing east to west, and guiding to north, it can be used as a knife and gun, as well as a stick, and it can be used as an ax and axe , a collection of all kinds of light and heavy weapons, worthy of the name "King of a Hundred Soldiers".

Therefore, the use of Fang Tian's painted halberd is extremely difficult, and ordinary soldiers can't do it at all. In the old empire, only a small number of elite soldiers dared to use the halberd as their common weapon.But in the hands of a class of talented people, the power that can be displayed is extremely terrifying!
The Iron Curtain is such a type of person. After picking up Fang Tian's painted halberd, the combat power displayed is twice that of normal. With Fang Tian's painted halberd, even Aolong and Yanliu, who are equally impressive in combat power, He was also kicked out of the school field by the opponent in an extreme time.

On the other side, Lei Chuan had already confronted the enemy with his bare hands, attacking his weak point, and defusing the opponent's onslaught with one punch after another.Seeing that the attack was ineffective, Iron Curtain instantly pulled out the saber behind it, let go of the halberd and leaped forward, drawing a beautiful arc in the sky, and then slashed heavily.

Lei Chuan retreated temporarily, condensing a small-scale death ray to hit the Iron Curtain.The weakness of this strike is that it is vulnerable to long-range strikes.

It is worth mentioning that the Iron Curtain also has a secret method that can increase combat power in a short period of time. After using it, you cannot use force again for a day, but in exchange for increasing your combat power to 240.

Although it was the trump card, the Iron Curtain was still used without hesitation when facing a strong enemy, and then Lei Chuan beat him down without hesitation.

In the eyes of everyone in the Iron God Department, Master Iron Curtain has played all his cards, but he doesn't even have the qualifications to leave a wound on his opponent. How can this **** fight?
It was also at this time that they discovered that even if the Flame Saintess did not come out, his Iron God Department did not have the ability to sweep all the departments, and the arrogance that had just arisen was immediately strangled to death in the cradle.

Therefore, due to the large-scale increase in the number of members of the alliance, under the suggestion of the deputy leader, the council of elders once again expanded five seats to the Iron God Department.In addition, in terms of the number of officers in the army, we will try our best to deploy more soldiers from the Iron God Department, which can also be regarded as compensation.

The Ministry of Iron Gods has no objection to this, so this troublesome matter has been resolved satisfactorily, congratulations, congratulations!

In the next few days of repairs, the Iron God Department promised to let all the craftsmen in the tribe come out, and cooperate with the blacksmiths of other tribes to form an "iron officer" to be responsible for the alliance's equipment manufacturing and equipment assembly.With the continuous supply of steel, nearly a hundred armed forces have been produced in a short period of time, and the improvement of the alliance's combat power is just around the corner.

In addition, it is a plan for the future route, which is the real big problem...

During this period of time, apart from cultivating, Lei Chuan was studying the fragments that exploded from the Archmage.

The number of these fragments is about seven, some are big and some are small, the small ones are only the size of a palm, while the big ones are as tall as an adult, the type of two meters.

Each fragment is dark in color and shone with a different kind of luster. Two of the fragments are also painted with a faint golden pattern. The content is that a group of monsters with hideous faces like ghosts are hunting aliens everywhere, killing and offering sacrifices. evil god.

Lei Chuan didn't see the specific appearance of the evil god, because he just glanced at it, and Lei Chuan's mind instantly felt as if it had been struck by lightning, and he was confused and unable to control himself.

Even if it's just an incomplete portrait, Lei Chuan can still feel the indescribable, evil aura that makes people heinous.

The current level system can't tell what the real body of these fragments is, so Lei Chuan found the most knowledgeable and trusted goddess in the alliance, Feng Xi.

Fortunately, the other party had woken up two days ago and is now recuperating.

After hearing the news of Lei Chuan's visit, the goddess was also very surprised. In her impression, this little guy is not a person who can visit patients. He must have encountered some problems and begged himself to solve them.

So the goddess invited Lei Chuan in angrily and amusedly.

"Sister Fengxi, these are some gadgets I got by accident next time, can I ask my sister to help me find out what's the origin?"

Since I asked others for help, it is appropriate to lower my attitude a bit.

Feng Xi took the fragments that Lei Chuan handed over with a half-smile, and said:
"If it's okay, wouldn't you come to visit me? It's really heartless..."

But halfway through the joke, it stopped abruptly.

Lei Chuan looked at it in surprise, and found that the goddess was looking at a large number of fragments with an unusually puzzled, dignified, and even a little jealous look.

"Where did you get this thing?"

After a while, Feng Xi said to Lei Chuan in an unusually serious tone.

"It was seized from the great mage of the Emperor Temple, what's wrong?"

After hearing Lei Chuan's answer, Feng Xi's expression gradually relaxed, and he said directly:
"If it turns out to be them, then you can rest assured, as long as it is not obtained by that family..."

? ?Lei Chuan was very puzzled.

Looking at the suspicious eyes of the other party, Feng Xi forced a smile, and said immediately:
"It's nothing to tell you, just remember, anyway, it has been passed down for 3000 years..."

The tone paused, and the goddess slowly told everything she knew in an ancient and vicissitudes tone:
"3000 years ago, a war that shook the whole world broke out between the First Empire of the Human Race and several super-rich families. Among them, there was a super-rich family that was divided into three branches, and each branch held the power in its hands. One piece of divine weapon of the clan, named: Dead Heaven, Fallen Heaven, and Black Heaven. Each of these three divine weapons can exert incomparably terrifying power, and they can form an even more terrifying weapon with each other. Said: Ring the death knell of heaven..."

(End of this chapter)

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