Monster Rush

Chapter 169 The location of the third boundary marker

Chapter 169 The location of the third boundary marker

"I haven't really seen the specific appearance of these three divine weapons. I only heard from the elders of the clan. They are all extremely powerful fighters, and their minds have been honed to be extremely firm over the long years, but When talking about that terrifying divine weapon, they felt frightened and trembled all over, like frightened lambs. I will never forget the trembling and fear when they said the name of that weapon..."

"It's a magic weapon that brings shadow and destruction. Remember, never try to assemble it, never covet it, and don't be curious about it. This is what the elders say about it."

"Then these fragments..."

Lei Chuan gradually realized that these fragments should be the fragments of the "Death Knell Ringing Heaven" magic weapon.

"Yes, not all."

However, this is what Feng Xi told him.

In the war 3000 years ago, that super-rich clan was defeated by the First Empire. One of its branches was destroyed, and the other two branches were severely injured.

One of the three parts of that magical weapon was broken in the desert wasteland, one of the other two was lost, and its whereabouts are still unknown. How many years have passed.

And these fragments are the fragments of the broken magic weapon parts.

"But the reason why divine weapons are divine weapons is because they are mysterious and infinitely powerful. Once born, they are capable of destroying heaven and earth, shattering the void, falling stars, sinking the world, and changes in the wind and clouds of a hundred thousand miles. The prosperity of the ethnic group living in one side is something that suppresses the movement of the clan, even if it is broken, the remaining prestige still exists, it is not something that we can study at will!"

Hearing this, Lei Chuan really didn't expect that the equipment he casually revealed would have such a great history, but he was not afraid of those magical weapons other than being curious.

What are you kidding?If you hold your magic soldier again, can you hold the emperor's dark armor?Can beat Lao Lei's gigabit fighting instrument?Although I don't have it yet, sooner or later it will be mine...

But, then again, these fragments were obtained from the Archmage, it is very possible that the top powerhouse of the Scarab Empire will come here, and it is very likely that they are plotting this broken magic weapon, but Feng Xi said Not to worry, it is estimated that even if the insectoid empire got all the fragments of the magic weapon, it would not be able to restore the whole magic weapon. As long as it is not a foreign race that has been in charge of this magic weapon, it will be fine.

screw it!Anyway, it's not something I can worry about now.

"In that case, then these divine weapon fragments..."

Although he looked down upon it, Lei Chuan still said arrogantly in his heart.Before the gigabyte fighting instrument came out, it would be great to have a magic weapon, after all, I am a man with a [Technology System]!
Seeing Lei Chuan wanting and trying hard to turn around with a look of no interest, Feng Xi couldn't help laughing, covered his mouth and smiled:
"Anyway, it was captured, and no one will snatch it from you. But you have to remember, don't try to study it with your current state, even if it is a fragment, the power it can explode is extremely terrifying..."

Lei Chuan naturally agreed to the goddess' entrustment, and then left contentedly.


Since the Iron Gods joined the alliance, they couldn't wait to share all the information they got with the alliance, including the maps drawn and measured by them for more than a hundred years and a piece of information related to the ancestral land of the human race.

This caused an uproar in the alliance, Yan Xingluo made a decisive decision and called a meeting of all the elders to discuss countermeasures.

"According to what your ministry said, there was a short encounter on the territory of the Scarab Empire. One side of the battle was the local defenders of the Scarab Empire, and the other side was my fellow human race?"

Yan Xingluo asked the Iron God leader expressionlessly.He is a very calm leader, and he will not act rashly until the information is confirmed.

"That's right, there are three reasons why it is said that it is a human race or a human race in the ancestral land:

First, they are not many in number, only 30 to [-] people, but all of them are well-equipped, which is even better than my Iron God Department.Therefore, he was able to win the battle for three days and three nights against an army of tens of thousands of insects, beheading thousands of people;
Second, there are spiritual practitioners in this team, and there are more than one person;
Third, although the scouts at that time did not see their appearance, they could clearly hear the language they spoke, which was the lingua franca of the old empire. What our scouts heard at the time was: How did the idiots of the garrison investigate In terms of intelligence, Linghuang actually occupies such a huge force of alien races and doesn't even know?When I go back, it seems that I have to report to the king to let him rectify the frontier defense...

"What? It's true, they are really compatriots from the ancestral land!"

Hearing these words, the crowd suddenly erupted, and some elders cried bitterly. It was the first time in their lifetime that they received such accurate news from the ancestral land.

The garrison was a border guard guarding the frontier in the old empire era, and it was a term that would not appear in the tribal era.To be able to hear the name of the garrison, it means that the ancestral land of the human race still maintains the national structure, and the civilization has not been lost.

"And then? Haven't heard from them?"

Yan Xingluo also believed in the possibility of this information in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm and asked the most critical question.

Hearing the leader's words, the leader of the Iron God Department suddenly smiled wryly:

"The scouts who detected this information immediately ordered Yaoying to send back the information. There were only a few words, but we don't know the specific situation. The scouts of our department did not come back to report their duties. There is an unexpected event!"

When everyone heard the words, they suddenly fell into silence. Could it be that the joy was still empty?
"However, in addition to this piece of information, our scouts also successfully obtained another piece of important information..."

"What information?"

Yan Xingluo showed an urgent expression for the first time, which shocked all the elders.

The leader of the Tie Shen Department raised his eyebrows, and immediately said word by word:

"After that incident, our department sent several scouting troops to the battlefield to try to find some clues. Finally, at a position [-] miles north of the battle position, we found the third boundary marker of the old empire!"

what? !

As soon as this remark came out, it caused an uproar among the crowd in an instant. Some elders directly covered their heart and rolled their eyes.

Depend on!Old boy, can't we finish talking at once?

The "Star Compass" oasis is located at Boundary Pillar No. [-], which is at the junction of Shuntian Mansion and Huangtian Mansion. Logically, every boundary marker is at the junction of Wutian Mansion, but it is not always the case.

In addition to Wutianfu, Tianfu Woye in the old empire was divided into dozens of "fu". The No. [-] boundary marker was found at the junction of Yangtian Mansion and Yingtian Mansion, and the No. [-] boundary marker was found at the junction of Yangtian Mansion and Shuntian Mansion. In the remaining small "mansion", there are still two boundary monuments, namely No. [-] and No. [-] boundary monuments.

The purpose of setting up the boundary marker at the beginning was not only to divide the boundary, but also to guide the clansmen in the direction of going home. After passing the No. [-] boundary marker, it is not far from the ancestral land of the human race.

Therefore, each numbered boundary marker is an important indicator for the migrating tribes.

(End of this chapter)

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