Monster Rush

Chapter 282 Spirit Desolation

Chapter 282 Spirit Desolation
There was a loud noise in the sky, and countless indescribable pitch-black fluctuations burst out from the black eyes, which transmitted to the four directions in an irregular form.

These undulating lines scattered and fluttered in the sky, quickly weaving a straight road, one end was connected to the "Shattering Sky Seal", and the other end was placed under everyone's feet.

"Okay, we can hit the road!"

After singing the ballad, Xuanniao Wugong looked a little tired, and almost fell down when he was walking. Fortunately, the two sisters, Zige Qingyue, had been waiting by the side, and immediately rushed forward to help Wugong.

Looking at the opened road to the two worlds, Yan Xingluo also looked a little excited, and immediately shouted:

"Everyone, follow me on the road!"

Oh! ! ! !

Lei Chuan and Goddess Fengxi were at the bottom of the line, guarding against any possible crisis, even if they were about to leave Linghuang, they never took it lightly.

"Brother Lei Chuan, are we leaving the desert?"

Xiao Yuan leaned against Lei Chuan's side, leaning against him, holding Lei Chuan's big hand tightly with a pair of white and tender hands, with nervousness and anticipation in her expression.

The land of dreams passed down from generation to generation, the true hometown of all races, it is absolutely impossible to say that Xiao Yuan has no idea at all.But perhaps because of being born in a small tribe, Xiaoyuan's curiosity about the ancestral land is better than the sense of belonging.

"Well, we are going to the ancestral land."

Lei Chuan's tone was a little emotional.As the first stop for him to enter the Great Realm of Abundance, Linghuang carried the memories of his first few years. Although he wished to leave, when it was time to leave, he was still a little bit reluctant.

It's just that it's not the shortage of spirits that makes him reluctant to part, but the memory of struggling to survive in the shortage of spirits when he was weak.

Thinking of this, he looked seriously at Xiao Yuan, the first person he saw since he entered the other world.

Xiaoyuan seemed a little uncomfortable being stared at by Lei Chuan like this, her face became more and more rosy, and she said embarrassedly:

"Brother Lei Chuan, why are you looking at me like this? Is it because there is something dirty on my face?"

In fact, this is just an excuse. Xiao Yuan is not a little girl ignorant of the world. At the age of fifteen or sixteen, she has reached the age of first love. Coupled with unusual experiences, she looks at her brother in name, and often There is a feeling of deer bumping.

If Brother Lei Chuan wants to, I am willing to dedicate myself!
The little girl thought so for more than one night.But to his disappointment, living in the same tent, Lei Chuan did not show any impulsiveness that an adolescent male should have.

Is he so unattractive?

God is pitiful, Lei Chuan still just treats Xiao Yuan as an ordinary little girl, how could he do anything out of the ordinary, even now.

Looking at Xiao Yuan, Lei Chuan recalled the little girl who cried because of the tragic death of her parents, the little girl who practiced desperately in order not to become a burden to him, and the promise he made to this stubborn little girl:

"No matter what the price is, I will send you back to the ancestral land safely!"

At the beginning, it was to make up for his own weakness and cowardice, but later, Lei Chuan's feelings for Xiao Yuan were no longer simply guilty, but truly like a brother's feelings for a sister.

I hope she can get happiness, and I am willing no matter how hard and tired I am.

Thinking of this, Lei Chuan smiled like a child.

"Xiao Yuan, we're almost home!"

My promise has been fulfilled, next, I should go to find my own home, I hope you can be happy.


The team was moving very fast, and everyone was eager to enter the ancestral land now.But even so, everyone still obeyed the ground order, and there was no phenomenon of jumping in line or pushing and shoving.

Immediately afterwards, it was the turn of Lei Chuan and the others who were the queens.

"Go up!"

Lei Chuan said to Xiao Yuan.The little girl didn't refuse, she nodded to Lei Chuan and stepped onto the black light curtain to keep up with the team.

Next, Lei Chuan and Goddess Fengxi looked at each other, nodded and stepped onto the light curtain at the same time.

Just when the last person stepped up, the whole road was in unison, and the traces that Lei Chuan had stepped on began to become illusory, gradually disappearing at a slow speed, basically before everyone entered the gate of the two worlds. It's not going away completely.

On the way, Lei Chuan turned his head and took a last look at the scene of Linghuang. He will not return to this dilapidated continent for a long time.

It should have been a happy thing, but Lei Chuan didn't feel any joy in his heart when he thought that there were still countless compatriots still struggling to survive on this dilapidated continent and facing the predation of alien races at any time.

Although he is not a human race, he also has a sense of belonging to the human race during the few years he has been with the human race, which is equivalent to his second home.For his family members who are still suffering endless hardships, Lei Chuan feels uncomfortable.

"Just wait, one day, I will come back."

Taking one last look at this broken world, Lei Chuan made a new vow.With the disappearance of the black light curtain, Lei Chuan's figure also disappeared in the "Shattering Sky Seal".

The story of Linghuang has temporarily come to an end.


Tianchao Mountains, a grand canyon shrouded in clouds and mist all year round.

"Are you ready? Those who claim to be God's chosen people!"

The sound of thunder and thunder shook the entire sky, and even the clouds in the sky were shaken away.

This is an unbelievably huge giant, with his feet on the ground, his head above the clouds, and his face is invisible.The skin is a light golden purple, reflecting the luster of the metal.

"We are ready, but here is a reminder, arrogant giants, we are not the chosen people of God, but the most humble pariah of the God of Cloud Realm!"

The ones who talked to the giant were a group of people with wings on their backs, dressed in colorful armor, with proud eyes, without any sense of so-called humbleness.

"Anything is fine, hurry up and start acting!"

The humming sound of the giant came from the clouds, shaking part of the clouds away, and then turned and left after speaking.

A young god-man who looked like he was in his 20s cast a contemptuous look at the giant's back, and said disdainfully:
"Why would God cooperate with such an arrogant and dirty race?"

"Yes, noble god, noble god, great god, in front of god, any race is filthy, let alone teaming up, they don't even have the qualifications to exist!"

The young people of the gods started talking, wondering why the gods would choose to join forces with other races.

Finally, the leading elderly god-citizen coughed lightly. His face was so majestic that he would involuntarily lower his head as long as he took a look at it.Intimidated by his eyes, the young gods stopped talking.

"God's thoughts are not something that we pariahs can discuss arbitrarily, we just need to follow God's instructions unconditionally!"

"You are right, pastor!"


"Hmph, a group of bird people who think highly of themselves, if it wasn't for His Majesty's order, how could my clan cooperate with you. After breaking the blockade of the Scarab Empire, the next target will be your turn!"

Walking on the ground, every step the giant takes will cause a huge earthquake, and countless cracks will grow.

A pair of blood-moon-like pupils appeared in the clouds, with arrogance and fanaticism in their eyes:

"Soon, soon, once the secrets hidden in the black desert are discovered, it will be easy to destroy the scarab empire. Without the obstruction of the insects, the entire wasteland will belong to our family, and the giants will once again stand tall in the strong Clan of Horror, your end is here!"

At the mention of the Horror, the giant's eyes burst out with hateful rage.

(End of this chapter)

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