Monster Rush

Chapter 283 The Abyss of Two Worlds

Chapter 283 The Abyss of Two Realms
Linghuang and the ancestral land of the human race belong to two completely different dimensions. Even if they are adjacent, they are surrounded by thick dimensional barriers. Only those who are extremely proficient in the rules of space can freely shuttle between the two places.However, most people do not have such profound knowledge. Therefore, people with great supernatural powers opened up a connection channel between the two places for compatriots to communicate with each other.

And the abyss of the two worlds can be understood as an intermediate station on the road between the two worlds.

Lingyun Xiaofu, Feiyun Xiaofu, Tianyi Xiaofu, and Lingbian Xiaofu are all in the abyss of the two worlds, reaching the edge of Lingbian Xiaofu, where the No. [-] boundary marker is located, and further east is the territory of the ancestral land .

This is a lush continent surrounded by endless gray fog.All four sides are gray as a whole, occasionally flashing a few brilliant colored lights.

In the abyss of the two worlds, the sky cannot distinguish between day and night. There is neither the sun nor the moon and stars, but only a vast expanse.

With his feet on the ground, Lei Chuan took a deep breath and suddenly felt abnormal.

Here, there is no aura!
Turning his head to see Concubine Yanhuang's somewhat ugly expression, she was in the same situation as himself.Without the support of spiritual energy, most of the combat power of both Lingxiu and Huangxiu would be crippled.

But looking at Feng Xi's expression as usual, it seems that he knew this would happen a long time ago.

I saw her snake tail swaying lightly, swaying her slender waist, coming in front of the panicked crowd, and said softly:
"This is at least a space opened up by the king level, so it doesn't have the rules of the general world, and there is no aura, but fortunately, it already belongs to the border of the ancestral land from here, and the chances of wild beasts and alien races appearing here are not high. , you can go on your way with peace of mind!"

Her voice seemed to contain a strange magic power, making the chaotic crowd instantly quiet.

After everyone quieted down, leader Yan Xingluo said lightly:
"Keep going!"

Because the structure of the abyss of the two worlds is different from that of the spirit barrenness, ordinary observation techniques cannot accurately locate it, so Lei Chuan is not required to continue to serve as a scout.

Several wide roads have been opened up on the barren land, and because they have not been attacked by soldiers, these roads are still intact even after thousands of years.

Walk along the Chi Road all the way, and you will reach your destination.This is the last journey of the alliance, and it is also the most stable journey.

The next journey was Lei Chuan's most relaxed period of time. Taking advantage of this period of time, he entered the hell dungeon to start killing most of the time, but it was not based on the Leonix template, but the deserted repair template.

For the physique of the human race, the breath of hell is downright poisonous, but in a certain way, isn't it in line with the self-abuse essence of "Desolate Demon Body Training Technique" and "Desolate Demon Forging God Technique"?
It wasn't until Lei Chuan entered hell with a human body that he could be regarded as the true horror of hell.

The combat power was directly suppressed by about 7%, and every second that passed had to be judged by breath erosion. There was a [-]% failure rate of the save, and once the save failed, the health value must be reduced.

Under such circumstances, Lei Chuan, who had normal spiritual strength, died more than once at the hands of the lowest-level demons.

It was like this at the beginning, but in the later period, the body was also imprinted with the marks of hell, and the physical attributes increased a lot.Just before he was about to leave hell, he successfully broke through the third human body bridge of the "Bridge of Heaven and Earth" - the bridge of viscera.

The five viscera and six internal organs are directly connected to the heaven and the earth, accepting spiritual energy like the body.The five internal organs correspond to the attributes of the five elements. The liver belongs to wood, the heart belongs to fire, the spleen belongs to earth, the lungs belong to metal, and the kidney belongs to water.

The six Fu organs are the general term for the gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, bladder, and triple burner. Entrance, to digestion, and finally to excretion.

This channel goes through Qichong gate along the way, that is, the seven gates of the channel "the lips are the flying gate, the teeth are the household gate, the epiglottis is the suction gate, the stomach is the cardia, the lower mouth of Taicang is the pylorus, the large and small intestines are the appendix gate, The lower pole is the Po Gate, so it is called Qichong Gate."

After the construction of the bridge of viscera is completed, a large amount of aura flows in to wash all the six viscera and seven organs, and then there is no need to feed on life, the aura enters from the mouth, collects the essence of heaven and earth, and truly enters the state of bigu.

Lei Chuan has reached this point, and the Desolate Demon Embryo will be further transformed, directly reaching the 600% stage, and the combat power level will break through [-].

After returning from the dungeon of hell, he took the time to enter the mysterious dungeon he discovered in the underground world.

After entering this mysterious world with a human body, he immediately saw countless metal auras floating in the sky and earth, intending to cut off human limbs.

Why didn't I see it at the beginning?
Taking advantage of this great opportunity, Lei Chuan used his "Desolate Demon Training Art" to attract the sharpness of the world into his brain and body, and started a new wave of self-torture training.

Three days later, the "Tiandi Bridge" built another bridge - the bridge of life wheel.

This is the most important bridge connecting the mortal womb and the spiritual womb.The life wheel of the human body lies in the yin and yang households three inches below the navel, above the golden section line of the human body.The reason for building the bridge between heaven and earth here is to accept spiritual energy, fundamentally repair the life defects of the human body, sublimate its life level, and evolve from human to superhuman.

Once the structure is completed, the life wheel will be connected with the blood circulation wheel and the five internal organs circulation wheel to form the "big three wheels" of the human body, which will continuously receive the aura of heaven and earth, and maintain the state of "oneness of heaven and earth" all the time.As an enhanced version of spiritual cultivation, Huang Xiu, at this level, Lei Chuan's combat power has already touched the threshold of 700, which is infinitely close to the combat power of the "Holy Maiden of Flame" Concubine Yanhuang who does not wear spiritual tools.

Not only that, even Lei Chuan, the fifth bridge of the "Tiandi Bridge", the "Spiritual Bridge", has also taken shape, but the spiritual bridge of Huangxiu is different from spiritual cultivation, and it is hundreds of times more difficult to cultivate. It would take quite a while for Chuan to have such monstrous aptitude.

Terran template
Name: Lei Chuan

Race: Human Race of the Great Realm

Occupation: Human cultivator

Life: 64000
Mental Power: 2700
Fatigue value: 830/830
Talent: Lightning Control

Realm: "Bridge of Heaven and Earth", the fourth level "Bridge of Life Wheel"

Combat power rating: 688
This is the end of Lei Chuan's own cultivation, and he began to conduct intensive training for Xiao Yuan in the remaining time.

Xiao Yuan's aptitudes are extremely different, even to the point of appalling, but relying on her own tenacious willpower and the guidance of Feng Xi, a good teacher, she has broken through the realm of "Healthy" and entered the realm of "Brave", and her combat power is far away. Extraordinary "bravery", reaching the edge of breaking a hundred.

But in the later stages, the limitations of Xiaoyuan's qualifications became more and more obvious. According to Feng Xi's estimation, it would take at least ten years for Xiaoyuan to break through the first level of the "Tiandiqiao" under the condition of maintaining a continuous supply of resources. territory.However, it will take 50 years for the "Tiandiqiao" to complete its completion, and this is still under the condition of maintaining vigorous energy and blood.

In the absence of an adventure, Xiao Yuan has no hope of "spiritual practice" in this life.

But how could Lei Chuan allow this to happen? Occasionally, Lei Chuan coaxed and tricked the technological system to appear to the outside world, and performed a body modification operation on Xiao Yuan.

Due to the limited number of technology points, Lei Chuan can only provide Xiaoyuan with qualifications equivalent to Aolong and Iron Curtain, but there is still a long distance from Concubine Yanhuang, but the situation of "no hope for spiritual cultivation in this life" becomes " There is a front line of opportunity."

After arriving at the ancestral land and having the opportunity to redeem more technology points, Lei Chuan will definitely transform Xiaoyuan's physique into one that is equal to or even surpasses his own.

While Lei Chuan was training Xiao Yuan, the alliance passed through the three small mansions of Lingyun, Feiyun, and Tianyi, and entered the small mansion of Lingbian, with the boundary marker in sight.

(End of this chapter)

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