Monster Rush

Chapter 296

Chapter 296

Feng Yazi, known as "Heavenly Demon Blood Hand", was the legal heir of the Viscount of the ancestral land before he was thrown into the criminal domain, but he was dragged down by his father, the previous "Feng Yazi", who defected to the enemy.

His father was killed by the king on the spot, and Feng Yazi was thrown into the domain of crime under the name of "Lian Zuo", and he could only escape after the sins of his father's generation were cleared.

Therefore, Feng Yazi was called the "Fallen Viscount".Also because of this reason, Feng Yazi's personality is unpredictable, moody, and his behavior is extreme. Few prisoners in the criminal domain dare to offend him.

Not only that, once you offend him, you will suffer the cruelest revenge after all, even your compatriots are no exception.But right now, a person who doesn't know how to live or die has offended him.

"Boss, calm down, maybe it's just some stupefied young man who doesn't know what's going on, took over the mountain, and let the brothers drive him away, there's no reason for you to be so arrogant!"

"That's right, we're going up now to drive people away, soon, please rest for a while, ah!"


Feeling the strong evil spirit rising from his boss, a group of prisoners hurried forward to persuade him that the boss is good at everything, but sometimes he is too irrational. For any reason, you will be punished without explanation.

"That's right, boss, this is just an ignorant bastard, there is no need to make such a big mistake for this person, don't you want to get out of the criminal domain and return to the ancestral land to inherit the title?"

As soon as he heard "inherit the title", Feng Yazi suddenly calmed down, and the pressure on his body began to weaken.

This big guy finally listened!

The prisoners breathed a sigh of relief, and they didn't dare to delay any longer. Immediately, several brothers climbed up, wanting to pull out that ignorant dog and beat him up, at least to give the boss a break.


Ten minutes later, there was a sudden shaking in the mountain, accompanied by roars, which made everyone's faces change drastically.

A strange-looking dragon-like creature came out of the mountain, releasing a terrifying coercion all over its body, crushing everyone's minds over and over again.

The few elder brothers who went up the mountain before now all looked terrified, wishing to focus all their talents on agility.

Godzilla is faithfully carrying out the orders given by Lei Chuan, anyone who is as brave as a mountain will be killed on the spot!

"What kind of wild beast is this!"

Seeing Godzilla's true appearance, Feng Yazi's expression became extremely serious in an instant, and he immediately yelled:
"Prepare to save people!"

It has to be said that even though he was a tortured person, he had not forgotten the quality of being a soldier of the human race. A total of dozens of people, led by Feng Yazi, formed a battle formation to meet Godzilla.

"The fury of a hundred beasts, the madness of a tiger!"

While the battle was going on outside, Lei Chuan, who was sitting in the Five Fingers Peak, was practicing under the scorching sun.

It has to be said that the extreme day sun is really vicious, and the light and fire elements contained in it are extremely violent. The heat wave swept across Lei Chuan's body layer by layer, burning his tough body red.

"Desolate Devil Body Forging Technique" was running crazily, subduing wisps of violent fire elements one after another, incorporating them into the human body furnace and obliterating them into the purest energy to absorb.

At the same time, Lei Chuan also released his soul, running the "Desolate Demon Forging God Technique", absorbing the endless violent natural power, transforming it into energy between matter and nothingness, and accelerating the condensation of demon seeds in his body.

If an outsider comes again, they will be shocked to find that there are branches like branches rising from behind Lei Chuan, continuously extracting the energy between the heaven and the earth.

These twigs are connected to a black shell of the demon seed, and all the extracted energy is fed back inside the demon seed.

After a long period of practice, the magic seed in the body has taken root and sprouted, and it is as big as a chicken egg.The generated magic root can penetrate the body and appear outside, which means that the magic seed is flying in the direction of the magic embryo, and at the same time forms a preliminary fusion with the desolate embryo.

After a period of cultivation, the magic root was withdrawn, Lei Chuan stopped his cultivation, stood up suddenly, and looked down at the scenery below the mountain.

Just now, through the spy satellite, he saw that Godzilla was in a hard fight.

The people who broke into the mountain were a group of human prisoners, most of them had combat strength of around 300 or 400, which was far superior to ordinary hundred-fighting warriors. Among them, there were only two or three people with spiritual combat strength.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for Godzilla, whose combat power is close to perfect spiritual cultivation, to be unable to defeat the opponent, but he never thought that this group of prisoners is also proficient in the combination of battle formations, and their combat power has been improved several times. In this way, Godzilla is no longer an opponent.

On the other hand, Ghidorah doesn't know where to fly to look for food, and Jin Guqiao is used as a trump card and cannot be easily exposed in the most critical situation.

Frowning, Lei Chuan secretly said, "It's really troublesome", and was about to go down the mountain to solve the problem himself.


"Quick, soon, this big guy really has thick skin!"

Even after forming a battle formation, all the prisoners were still fighting in a panic, with more or less wounds on their bodies.But Godzilla wasn't much better either, a large piece of scale armor was peeled off at one time, and countless bombardments caused blood to ooze out continuously.

The sound of roaring continued, Godzilla's back released a shining light, and a mouthful of fiery [atomic rays] blasted out.


The battle formation changed, the tiger shape turned into the eagle shape with spread wings, and turned into an afterimage to avoid the bombardment of the [atomic ray].

At the other end, Godzilla intensified the nuclear transformation of the body, and the [atomic beam] increased the output, sweeping around like a whip, and at the same time displayed the [earthquake step], and the mountains and rivers were broken for a while, as if the end was approaching.

"Boss, what are you doing? Come back!"

At some point, the battle formation broke through, and Feng Yazi rushed out like a big eagle, facing Godzilla directly.

I saw his left arm stretched out, bursts of dark red aura quickly gathered, condensed into a magic hand hundreds of meters long, like the color of solidified blood, covered with circles of strange patterns, at the front, five fingers were long and ferocious, like The claws are average.

"Heavenly Demon Blood Hand!"

The blue veins on Feng Yazi's face were bulging, and his face looked extremely ferocious. With a loud roar, he swung his **** claws, and grabbed at the incoming [atomic beam].


With a loud noise, the claws and rays exploded at the same time, Feng Yazi and Godzilla retreated dozens of steps.

Gritting his teeth, Feng Yazi once again gathered dark red aura, congealing his bloody claws.

This is the product of the combination of Feng Yazi's own blood and spiritual energy, called "blood spiritual energy", it is extremely erosive and penetrating, and its density is extremely high, comparable to the hardness of [-]-year-old steel, it can easily crush rocks with one hand, But it is more lethal to flesh and blood creatures.

"Heavenly Demon Blood Hand!"

At this moment, Feng Yazi's expression became ferocious like a devil's. Using the ultimate move twice in a row would consume a great deal of his own blood, and he would even have to pay the price of shortening his lifespan.

"Boss, you can't do this, it's too messy to use the demon blood hand twice a day, your body can't handle it!"

Even though the subordinates shouted loudly behind him, Feng Yazi ignored it, as if he was directly confronted with Godzilla.

On the other hand, the nuclear fusion of Godzilla's body is intensified, and a large amount of nuclear energy is produced.Taking a step forward, he opened his bloody mouth wide, and a [atomic ray] that was much higher than before spit out.

Just when [Heavenly Demon Blood Hand] and [Atomic Ray] were about to collide...

"Great Wild Fist!"

A huge figure suddenly jumped out, blocking a person and a beast. While swinging their fists, everyone seemed to feel that a big hand from across the ancient time and space was gently pointing at [Heavenly Demon Blood Hand] and [Atomic Ray]. With a pinch, in an instant, the two killer moves turned into nothingness.

The previous violent situation disappeared without a trace, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing this scene, Feng Yazi resisted the backlash from the interrupted attack, his figure suddenly retreated, his face was no longer as crazy as before, and a few strands of clarity appeared in his eyes.

Looking solemnly at the huge figure, Feng Yazi knew that it was not some stunned young man who could occupy this blessed place, but an existence more terrifying than himself!

(End of this chapter)

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