Monster Rush

Chapter 297 Sorry!

Chapter 297 Sorry!

After his body shape returned to its original shape, Lei Chuan frowned, looking at the group of criminals who seemed to be hostile.When he was about to speak, unexpectedly, the little man on the other side spoke first:

"It's you, grab the spoils we have reserved!"

That's right, among muscular brothers with an average height of 1.6 meters, Feng Yazi, who is as tall as [-] meters, is indeed a small man. Fortunately, relying on the advantage of being able to fly as a spiritual practitioner, his feet are at least thirty or forty off the ground centimeters, making sure you don't drown yourself in muscle groups.

And Lei Chuan... I'm sorry!Under the Huangxiu template, I am at least two meters tall, and my body is slender but not bloated, which is just right.

Ever since, Lei Chuan's head was slightly lowered, and he looked at Feng Yazi from a bird's-eye view, and his tone was a bit flat:
"I don't know what the booty you are talking about is, but it is true that you broke into my cave by force, and even injured my pet. Tell me, how should this be calculated, and... little dwarf, next time Remember to let the adults speak first, only then will you be educated, do you understand?"

As soon as the words were finished, the field suddenly fell into a strange silence.Lei Chuan felt strange, and then he stopped and looked forward.All the prisoners were in a trance, as if they had been struck by lightning, mixed with panic, despair, as if they saw something terrible.

Strange, did I say something wrong?

Just as Lei Chuan was reflecting, Feng Yazi spoke:

"You just said... the little dwarf, right?"

His head was drooping, his face was covered by loose long hair, and he couldn't see his expression, but every word he spoke seemed to contain endless blood and blood, and contained a great horror.

Forgot to mention, one of the things Feng Yazi hates the most in his life is when someone mentions his height.

little man...



You... damn it!
Feng Yazi's whole body was startled with a strong and ferocious aura, which was like a substance, and the painful wails of countless undead could be vaguely heard.

The data in his eyes were constantly being refreshed, Lei Chuan raised his eyebrows, and quietly mobilized some spiritual energy. Just as he was about to make a move, a figure suddenly flashed between the two of them.

"Wait...wait a minute, brother, the combat item we are talking about refers to this mountain, and the thing is like this..."

A gang of prisoners accidentally discovered Wuzhilian Tianfeng, and thought it was a blessed place. When they were about to set up camp, they didn't expect to be discovered by members of another gang. Everyone in the gang knows...

Just like that, this matter snowballed more and more across the world, making it known to everyone, so I have to say something here.Although it is safer to be in a group if it is confined to a small place, the disadvantages are the same as it is now, and it spreads extremely fast.

In the end, the twelve gangs unanimously decided to fight with their fists. In this way, the "Fierce Yaliu" led by Feng Yazi won the final victory, but unexpectedly, a Cheng Yaojin like himself turned out to be born.

The general course of the matter is like this. After listening to Lei Chuan, he was also a little embarrassed. He robbed the reserved site, let alone his pets. It looks like it's even worse.

However, the matter has come to this point, even if Lei Chuan knew, it is impossible to move away now, not to mention that there was no one like himself who reached the agreement at the beginning, so I can only say one thing——

"Oh, I'm so sorry!"

Feng Yazi's stagnant aura broke out again, and he decided to give this ignorant guy a bloody lesson.

"Wait, boss, let me talk to him again!"

This brother seems to be acting as a brain truster in "Bad Fang".After finally calming down his boss, he turned around and looked at Lei Chuan with a wry smile, and stretched out his hand to point to a place:
"I wonder if brother can take a step to speak?"

After briefly switching to Leonix and driving Godzilla back to the valley, Lei Chuan and the think tank went to a place several hundred meters away to discuss.

As soon as he arrived at the place, without waiting for Lei Chuan to speak, he spoke to the convenience first:

"Brother, I know that the current situation is stronger than others, and we have seen your strength. If we fight, we will have no chance of winning, but look at the sky, this polar day is likely to last for several years. There is no suitable place for us to live. It's hard to live, so..."

"I'm sorry, this matter is not negotiable!"

The other party poured bitter water from the beginning, telling how miserable he was, but unfortunately, Lei Chuan didn't have any kindness for the human races other than the Star Compass Alliance, and I'm sorry, I don't have such things as sympathy recently, so, No matter how much the other party persuaded, Xiaozhi moved with emotion and reasoned, but Lei Chuan was unmoved, so much so that Mr. Zhitan couldn't help sighing:
As a human race, how can this guy be so heartless!
Helpless, the other party refuses to be right, so I can only regress.The think tank gritted his teeth and said:
"Even if brother refuses, then we can't force it. There is one thing that we need to ask brother for help. If you refuse, even if we know that we are not your opponent, we will never make it easier for you if we put in everything!"

Oh?Have you finally spoken harshly?
Lei Chuan smiled coldly in his heart, but remained calm on the surface:

"Tell me what's going on first!"

The think tank spoke slowly.In fact, long before the news of Wuzhiliantianfeng went viral, "Bad Fangliu" had already valued another piece of paradise, and in terms of superiority, it was even better than Wuzhiliantianfeng.

Unfortunately, that place is already famous.

The crime domain is located at the border of the middle barren world, separated from other barren worlds only by a layer of elemental barriers.In the past 3000 years, many alien races have secretly made a lot of seals between the two worlds, sneaked into the crime domain, and then used the crime domain as a springboard to invade the entire ancestral land.

Therefore, the reason for exiling prisoners to the crime domain is to kill these lurkers and invaders. If you kill a certain number, you can wash away the sins you have committed. Well done.

The Sin Domain is a barren and inhabited place. Although the territory is large, there are not many paradises that are eye-catching. They are either occupied by other powerful gangs of criminals, or they are occupied by alien races and powerful wild beasts. Such no man's land is very rare.

And the blessed land that Ji Yaliu was looking at happened to be occupied by a group of alien races, and their strength was not weak.

"Of course, this doesn't mean that we can't beat each other, but the loss is not small if we win. Therefore, as long as you help us to win this territory, we are willing to give up the grievances with you, brother, and we will be friends from now on Besides, brother, you can also get a lot of military exploits by the way, killing two birds with one stone, wouldn't it be great?"

Hehe, what if you don't let go of your grievances?Can you beat me?

Lei Chuan scoffed at the think tank's statement, but the second half of what the other party said was indeed good, and he had to accumulate military exploits. Only [-] million military exploits could be recognized by the ancestors, and he could truly become a member of the human race. A small number!
Lei Chuan has already learned that for ordinary criminals who are exiled to the criminal domain, the maximum number of military exploits required for "tattooing" is no more than 200 million, and the maximum for "cutting" and "cutting" is no more than 2000 million. A prisoner who is sentenced to "castration" requires similar combat skills as himself.

One more sentence: "Tattoo punishment" people basically have a narrow chance of getting out of prison. "Cute punishment" and "cut punishment" people are basically here to retire, and there is no hope that they will be able to get out in this life, and "castration" people...

Hehe, since the establishment of the crime domain, root!Book!No!Have!people!can!out!have to!go!

wrong!Castration? !No wonder the executioner looked at him a little strangely, switching back and forth between doubts and scum, and there were a lot of dead-like eyes mixed in during the period, the fuck took him as a prisoner!

"Okay, I promise!"

A few words, Lei Chuan almost gritted his teeth and said, no one can get out of prison in 3000 years, right? I still don't believe it, so I want to be the first prisoner to be released from prison! (Wait, something seems wrong?)

It is recorded in the Law Code of the Human Race: "The palace is also the punishment for adultery, circumcision for men, claustrophobia for women, and the punishment for the second death. Anyone who commits rape and rape of his compatriots shall be punished with this punishment, regardless of gender."

It means that the perpetrator and the victim are men and women, women or men, or the uncle treats the little loli, and the aunt treats the young lady equally.

By the way, strong spiritual practitioners have a super strong ability to regenerate broken limbs. Even if the fifth limb is cut off, it can quickly regenerate. Therefore, an executioner who is also in the spiritual realm is required to execute the sentence. First, set up a formation to isolate the navel. The lower essence chakra is cut off countless times and regenerated countless times until the essence chakra is completely abolished and cannot be regenerated.

(End of this chapter)

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