Monster Rush

Chapter 531 The Secret of the Horror Clan

Chapter 531 The Secret of the Horror Clan
Just before Dark Star City was on the verge of destruction, Lei Chuan arrived successfully.

After blessing the equipment card of the Ampera Starman, with the seven-star combat power, he almost swept the four and destroyed the entire coalition army, and Yu Wei destroyed the entire wild world.

As expected of the highest level of combat strength left in the Great Realm, the so-called six-star king was unable to resist him when he was seriously injured, and was easily killed.If it is in its prime, it will take a lot of effort.

After the last two divine pillars collapsed, the wilderness completely started the process of destruction, and the last cry announced that the world was on the brink of destruction.

After the emperor's power dissipated, the coldness remained, so that the people from Mephilas and Gazi star who came to greet him felt a deep chill.

"Great...Your Majesty!"

The change of title announced that Lei Chuan has the status to compete for the supremacy of the multiverse, and Leibrad will usher in a new dawn.

"Let's start preparing."

After leaving such a sentence coldly, Lei Chuan left.

After a while, Dark Star City once again shrank into the form of a floating island, slowly rising.The moment it rose, the earth suddenly shattered, and the crack expanded into a gully, which continued to expand, and finally shattered like a watermelon.

Grasslands, deserts, mountains, rivers...all the colors that adorn the land are being brutally erased, the sky is collapsing, the ocean is evaporating, the boundary between reality and nothingness is being erased, and the crystal wall layer that wraps the barren world is constantly moving towards Inner collapse.The Wildlands kept collapsing. In less than half a day, there were only about one million cubic meters left, and after a day, there was only one singularity left.

And it is Dark Star City that fits this singularity.

When the world collapses, there will be only one starting point for destruction and reconstruction, control it, and when the barbarian looks back at the chaos and is created from the chaos, the Dark Star City will not be destroyed, and even dominate the barbaric destruction. With the power of creation, by then, the entire territory of Dark Star City will expand to the entire wilderness, and the imprint of Dark Star City will be imprinted on both space and rules.

This is Lei Chuan's real purpose, to turn the barren land into Leibrad's private property.After merging the entire wilderness, I believe that by then, Dark Star City will undergo a radical change.

Fortunately, this matter does not bother me to do it myself, and my subordinates will take care of it for me.

But now, I have to deal with one more thing.

Back at the highest level of the meeting tower, Lei Chuan took out the spoils he got after the battle just now.All the trump cards that the Eight Clans have yet to release in the future are all cheaper for Lei Chuan, but seven of them make him lack of interest, and only one can arouse his interest.

Suspended in his palm was a brass-colored copper bell, carrying an indescribably fierce aura, and distorted faces emerged around, releasing a desolate and evil aura in an attempt to corrode Lei Chuan.

A cold hum.

A dark vortex rose from the palm of his hand, engulfing the bronze bell in an instant.In an instant, there was a shrill scream, which made Lei Chuan's heart tremble.

"Sure enough, there are some doorways."

Lei Chuan said to himself, if it was him before, he really couldn't deal with this world-destroying magical weapon, but now, he is no longer what he used to be, no matter how the bronze bell shows the world-destroying power, he will be defeated by Chaos in an instant. oppressed by darkness.

Close your eyes slowly, and perceive the world deep inside the bronze bell along the dark veins.

Once any weapon is promoted to the level of a divine weapon, it maintains the luck of the clan and accepts the worship of the clan. Over time, it will produce self-awareness, which can also be called a god.

The death knell that rings heaven is now just an incomplete artifact. The gods of the past have long since disappeared with the battle of destruction. Today's gods are nothing more than the crazy consciousness cultivated by evil gods through some taboo means. It is shocking What's amazing is that this incomplete consciousness has the spiritual power comparable to that of a six-star king, and with the artifact itself, it can crush ordinary kings.

Looking carefully at this deity, the vague and indeterminate artifact kept making low growls, which was the self-expression of the detection of a strange and powerful consciousness.

"What a beast."

This is the evaluation given by Lei Chuan.But gradually, he noticed something was wrong.

The appearance of the deity is not like that of the Terror, but like a giant beetle, with six limbs and chelicerous feet, half of the human body is attached to the carapace of the whole body, and each of the four arms holds a skull, a rib, a leg bone and A spine, the bloody and evil air penetrated into the bone marrow.

As the beetle's lower body, Lei Chuan felt a little familiar, and then suddenly remembered, isn't this what a scarab looks like? !
In addition, he carefully looked at the appearance of the upper body of the humanoid body, the mouth was like an insect-like mouthpart, and dozens of eyes were shining with scarlet light, all of which contained the meaning of cruelty, greed, bloodthirsty, and madness.

These sights reminded Lei Chuan of the opponents he had met in the Scarab Empire.

Prince Kaiyu, who is said to be the existence of the Scarab Empire.I didn't expect to meet in such a strange form now, which is unbelievable.

Desolation, insects, tribes, migration... The memory of entering the wilderness for the first time reappeared in Lei Chuan's mind, and the events of long ago are still vivid in his mind.

According to the information obtained, the Horror Clan has been sending a small group of troops to continue to harass after the extinction of the spirit barrenness. The purpose is not just to sweep up.

The emergence of insects is not accidental.After falling from the altar of the super-rich clan, the Horror clan has been devoting itself to species research and carrying out a series of taboo experiments. The "six-toed hound" under its command is the most perfect finished product trained for thousands of years.

As for the Hundred Desolation World, the ten thousand races that survived did not have the bugman race at all, and now it seems that it is very likely that they are also one of the test subjects of the Terror race.

In addition, there are also giant clans of the former giants, reclusive gods, and evil clans that appeared occasionally. Behind these races, there are more or less the backs of super rich clans.

Desolation, I thought I was very familiar with it, but now it seems that it is still a puzzle that cannot be solved.

Amidst the voice of emotion, Lei Chuan increased the output of mental power. With more than [-] points of mental power, he has the strength to crush ordinary kings. This god could even scream and was severely injured by Lei Chuan and fell into a deep sleep.

After sealing it with a backhand, this artifact finally became honest.

Thinking about it now, the Scarab Empire had been looking for fragments of this artifact, and I still had a lot of them on my body. Now that I think about it, it must have been instructed by the Horror Clan.

Take out those fragments and place them in front of the artifact.

Suddenly, the death knell trembled suddenly, humming several times in a row, sucking the pieces into it.

Some kind of fatal flaw is being filled, and this artifact is gradually evolving towards perfection.

Lei Chuan was not interested in continuing to read, and left after sealing the artifact on this layer.Desolate, I still have to go back again, after I understand the matter at hand.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside Dark Star City, which was earth-shattering.

After the sound, all the light disappeared, leaving only a dark, chaotic and desolate scene around.

The wild, finally ushered in the final catastrophe, and the order of chaos was staged again.

(End of this chapter)

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