Monster Rush

Chapter 532 World reconstruction, monster cemetery

Chapter 532 World reconstruction, monster cemetery
Looking around, there are vast and indescribable colors, which seem to be the mixture of all colors, and seem to be the origin of all colors.

After the Great Destruction, there was only one place left in the chaotic wilderness that still retained the last light. Ironically, the name of this place is Dark Star City.The power of each star energy extractor is fully activated, absorbing the power of chaos continuously.

This is far more advanced energy than star energy. With the current Dark Star City's technological level, it is more than enough to absorb chaotic energy. The power of destruction and regeneration is a treasure coveted by countless kings!
Firmly occupying the starting point, Dark Star City will be extremely safe. After its destruction, it will be created.

If it is in a natural state, it will take millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of years to complete this stage. Naturally, Lei Chuan can't wait so long. Therefore, it should be the black technology from the Leibrad star. up.

"Ding! The origin of the world has been detected, is it fused?"

"Drip! The test is passed, the technology system is activated, the fusion begins, and the countdown..."

"Ding! The fusion is complete, please choose the world model for the host!..."

Strips of bright or dark, looming metal filaments pass through the Dark Star City, pass through the singularity and extend in all directions, penetrating into the chaos.

Lei Chuan closed his eyes, his consciousness completely immersed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Gradually, the surrounding scene changed, and it was exactly the same as the outside scene I saw.

The brain is connected to the [Technology System], and the recasting of the world is completely up to oneself. I didn't expect to be able to be a guest creator in my lifetime, which is worth it.

A barbaric rule quickly passed through the eyes. After recasting the new barbarian, the world level can be raised by one level, which is the middle barren world. The territory has expanded more than ten times than before.

According to the template given by the system, first of all, Lei Chuan chose multiple defense structures on the crystal wall of the barren world, which increased the thickness of the crystal wall system and greatly enhanced the defense. The purpose of doing this is to increase the difficulty of being penetrated .

And in this way, it will lead to a large-scale compression of the outer space.

Next is the sun, moon and stars, just follow the template design of the earth, the difference is that the sun and the moon are the same size, rising in the east and setting in the west, alternating day and night, each accounting for half of the country.

The sky is constructed and the earth is shaped.

Everything is prepared for war, and all template loading is the most beneficial battlefield for Dark Star City.In addition to the Dark Star City in the center, in the east is the boundless sea, where the ruler of darkness, Gatanjae, lurks in the deep sea. The city of Raliyah in the sea is its habitat. The bird hovers in the sky, guarding a dark sea.

In the west, the void is twisted, and countless mazes are woven layer upon layer.This labyrinth is controlled by the super beast legion. From the inside to the outside, the closer to the depths, the more powerful the guardians of the super beasts, and in the deepest part, sleeps the most powerful ultimate super beast ever, Saurus, the lab of the Yabo people was set up here. Crazy science created super beasts one after another, and the super beast army continued to grow.

In the sky, there are three huge mechanical rings crossing propaganda. On the core axis, a luminous brain extends millions of pipes to connect to the surroundings. Derived from huge data, it constantly deduces and rules the rules of this world.

The Golden Ancient Bridge Legion and the Mechanical Guland Legion are stationed here, and the strongest guardian is the six-star King Guland.

At the other end of the continent, at the edge of the endless sea, there is a huge metal planet suspended, it is closely attached to the crystal wall, like a huge eyeball checking all directions.

In the new world, more than half of the land has been transformed into land for machinery. Manufacturing factories, repair factories, genetic laboratories, etc. each occupy a large area of ​​land.Not only that, a group of watchtowers and perception satellites were built on the outskirts of the wilderness to check space fluctuations and movements outside the crystal wall system.

New Wilderness has completely become the home field of Dark Star City.

The further upgrade of [Independent Space] has unlocked a large number of buildings. Both the capacity and the quantity of the arsenal have been greatly increased. The technology items that can be unlocked have reached 40% of the system's collection, including Lei Chuan, who has been coveting for a long time. The manufacturing blueprint of the Impreza and the design plan of the Iron God system, as well as the manufacturing plans of the long-distance spacecraft of major high-end civilizations.

There was enough energy absorbed at the beginning of creation to carry out these projects.

Lei Chuan made a decision and invested all the resources of the new wilderness into it to build a brand new and stronger army to attack the famine on a large scale and establish a colony of his own in that vast world.

There are also a lot of treasures buried in the famine, and even the elemental spirit race itself is part of the treasure house. Lei Chuan's purpose is to plot the resources of the famine, and continue to produce with the resources of the two worlds. However, the ultimate goal of invading the wilderness is It is to cultivate a powerful army that is comparable to or even superior to the former Reyblad Empire!


During the construction process, Lei Chuan received a message from the projection multiverse.

According to the system's conclusion, this is a call for help from a warning lighthouse.

The warning lighthouse is a warning mechanism set up on major planets when the old Reyblad empire came to this multiverse. It is used together with watchtowers and outposts. Only major institutions that maintain the rise and fall of the entire empire are eligible to be established.

This signal should have been transmitted two years ago, but according to the detailed explanation of the system, this message was sent 300 years ago.

With the communication means of the former empire, this speed is simply like a turtle.

Then, Lei Chuan was mercilessly complained by the system.

If I can advance to the seven-star realm as soon as possible, I will be able to capture the signal from any corner of the multiverse. Simply put, I am too weak.

For this, Lei Chuan could only face it with a wry smile.

"System, investigate the source of the signal."

A few seconds later, a new result came from the system, which immediately surprised Lei Chuan.

What this lighthouse is guarding is no other place, but the monster cemetery!

The monster cemetery, the place where the souls of all dead monsters in the entire multiverse live.Its earliest establishment time is too long, so long that it can even be compared with the time when the ancient Ah empire existed, and the founder is unknown.

This place was first guarded by a sub-unit of the Ultra Clan's Space Guard. After the rise of Reyblad, he took a fancy to this place, and the Ultra Clan was repelled.

The monster cemetery resides in the souls of all monsters since its establishment. As long as some special means are used, an invincible army of undead can be obtained.

One of the so-called special means is the Gigabit Fighting Instrument.

He can easily resurrect all the dead monsters in the entire monster cemetery, but control them into a monster army.The revived monster's combat power is much weaker than that of the previous one, but it has the characteristics of being cold, ruthless, and fearless, just like a mechanical monster.

Leiblads of all generations have regarded this place as a holy place, and Lei Chuan is no exception.

(End of this chapter)

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