Chapter 112 I am Fu Xiuyun

【Yaoyao is sick?How did you go to the hospital? 】

[Sister Jinghao knows some inside news?Tell us quickly. 】

[What's the matter, Sister Yao?It's been a day and a half, and there is no wind at all. 】

[That's right, I don't know what Sister Yao's manager does.Haven't shown up yet. 】

[+1, I'm so worried about Yaoyao, this manager is too irresponsible. 】

[Wuuuuuuuuuu Why is Sister Yao in the hospital? I'm so worried. 】

【Change your agent! 】

[Trash Broker! 】

[Sisters, don't be impulsive, keep calm.Have you forgotten that the recording program is closed on the island now?Where did the broker come from. 】

[The most important thing now is to know about Sister Yao's situation, as well as those on the Internet who say that Sister Yao is going to quit the show. 】

【Yeah yeah!You can't be led by others!Now it is rumored that Sister Yao is going to quit the show.We cannot sit idly by. 】

【is not that right?Yaoyao still doesn't know what's going on in the hospital.These people outside began to speculate maliciously and spread rumors! 】

[This is clearly to ruin our family Yaoyao's popularity!Everyone go against the black. 】

[But we have no evidence to prove that sister Yao is in the hospital. 】

Someone raised a question, and the group fell silent for a moment.

Suddenly a fan with id Y posted a photo.Everyone clicked on it casually at first, and then they all said "Fuck".

It turned out that this was a photo of Lu Yao lying on the hospital bed with drips hanging on it.

Everyone's focus first fell on the overly haggard woman with her eyes closed on the way.

It's all a pain.

【Sister Yao is so pale, she looks bloodless and fragile. 】

[But I haven't seen you for a day, how did Lu Yao become so haggard?What is going on? 】

【Seeing Yaoyao like this really hurts my heart. 】

Everyone was paying attention to Lu Yao's fragility in the picture, and some people paid attention to another point.

【Who took this photo?This is staying with Lu Yao, right? 】

[I rely on rely on rely on!It's the big guy Y from before! 】

[Big boss, why did he appear in Sister Yao's ward? 】

[This is a good question, worth thinking about! 】

[@Y, please answer. 】

[@Y, please answer. +1】

[@Y, please answer. +2】


After that, a group of people circled Fu Xiuyun, wanting him to come out and explain.

Only Liang Jinghao's brain turned quickly, and she saw problems more comprehensively.As early as after seeing the picture, I went to have a private chat with Y.

It was easy to know that Y was Fu Xiuyun.

Although this answer shocked Liang Jinghao, she was more concerned about Lu Yao's current situation.

[Sister Suiyuejing]: Mr. Fu, how is Yaoyao doing now?

[Y]: Don't worry.I'm here, don't worry.

After Liang Jinghao wanted to ask something more, Fu Xiuyun went offline directly.

Looking at the blackened profile picture, Liang Jinghao felt speechless.

She opened the chat box of the fan group again and found that everyone was @Y, Liang Jinghao sighed again.

Some were asking why he was by Lu Yao's side, some were asking about his identity, and most were asking about Lu Yao's situation.

She thought that Fu Xiuyun would never show up again, so she was thinking about how to appease the friends in the group.

Unexpectedly, the avatar that had been blacked out just now lit up again.

Then he posted the sentence he just said to himself in the group.

So everyone in the fan group saw a scene that made them feel complicated.

[Y]: [Reply] Don't worry.I'm here, don't worry.

[Y]: [Reply] I am Fu Xiuyun.

 Let's do three more today~

  I'll make it up for everyone tomorrow, love you all.

  Ask for another ticket.Still in pk, please support~

(End of this chapter)

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