After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 113 Little head with big doubts

Chapter 113 Little head with big doubts
Looking at the sentence "I am Fu Xiuyun", the fans in the fan group fell silent.

Although this is only five short words, it weighs as much as a thousand catties.

Is this really Boss Fu?
Fu Xiuyun blew himself up?
Why is Fu Xiuyun in the fan group?Is it still the number one in the past?

The fans only felt that there were 1000 questions in their minds, small heads with big doubts.

However, after Fu Xiuyun sent these two sentences, he really disappeared in front of the public.Never appeared in the group again.

Only a group of fans messed up in the wind remained.

They have been dazzled by the news.

For a moment, he didn't know whether to worry about Lu Yao's health, or to care about the relationship between Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun first.

【Ah ah ah ah ah!Girls, I'm crazy!Mr. Fu, Mr. Fu is alive! (Figure) (Figure)

Immediately, someone posted a screenshot of the group on Weibo.

Because of the labels of Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun, they were immediately seen by many people.

A group of melon-eating people occupied the peak, and they couldn't believe it.

【I go?This is really Fu Xiuyun? 】

[Is your news true?Don't be a liar, right? 】

【Lu Yao went to the hospital?It looks so pale in this picture!What's wrong with her? 】

【Yaoyao's behavior is too distressing, isn't it? 】

[Even if the beautiful woman is sick, I feel pity for being so haggard. 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Fu Xiuyun!my husband!Talk too domineering!I feel so safe! 】

[Is it only I who noticed that this Y was the number one in Lu Yao's live broadcast room before?It's still in the top ten. 】

[Yes, I still remember that he said on the barrage that Lu Yao belonged to him?That's what it should mean. 】

[I remember something like this too, it suddenly felt so sour! 】

【Lemon essence essence. 】

【Woc, can't you?Is this self-destruct? 】

[It's possible if you think about it carefully. Didn't Mr. Fu appear at the airport with Lu Yao at that time?

At that time, it was rumored that Fu Xiuyun came to record the show with Lu Yao. 】

【No way?Fu Xiuyun is such a busy CEO, how could he stay on the island to record shows with Lu Yao? 】

[Pay attention to the photo of the ward, the figure reflected on the wall is clearly a man!It is absolutely impossible to be an assistant or something. 】

[Upstairs broke my last fantasy! 】

Everyone's attention was on Fu Xiuyun, only a few people paid attention to Lu Yao's illness.

And Lu Yao's fans began to produce evidence under the entry that Lu Yao wanted to quit the circle, and explained to everyone.By the way, those marketing accounts who spread rumors at will are slapped in the face.

[I knew that sister Yao was not that kind of person, how could she quietly quit the show?Sister Yao is sick, please let the marketing account off. 【picture】】

[Isn't it? I feel so sorry for Lu Yao. I don't know why, there are always people who want to blacken my sister Yao for no reason. 】

[I hope everyone will not spread rumors or create rumors. Our sister Yao did not say that she would quit the show, so I hope you all know. 】

【Lu Yao is actually sick?Isn't this too sudden?But there is a real problem, she is sick like this, can she continue to participate in the show? 】

【Yes indeed!The lottery will be drawn in the afternoon, and then they will be divided into groups for group duels. What should we do?
Will Lu Yao's absence affect the members of her group? 】

[It's all like this, it's better to quit the show altogether.In the afternoon of the province, other members will be dragged down. 】

【Lu Yao, get well soon!I feel that without Lu Yao, the whole program would be inferior.Lu Yao's strength is absolutely outstanding. 】

[Isn't that true, Lu Yao is simply an idol ceiling, right?The business ability is obviously higher than other trainees. 】

[Please, please let Lu Yao get better quickly.By the way, what is Lu Yao's illness? 】

 Dear ones, you have advanced~
  It is inseparable from the support of every little cutie. It is expected to be on the shelves at the end of the month. I hope you can follow up on it in the near future~
(End of this chapter)

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