After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 133 1 came out and the company was gone

Chapter 133 The company is gone
Ever since Fu Yan got into a car accident, he was taken back to his old house to recuperate.

Has disappeared from the public for a long time.

For the so-called rest, it is just a rhetoric in front of outsiders.

In fact, Fu Yan was imprisoned by the old man, and his daily life consisted of copying Buddhist scriptures in the small ancestral hall.

Three meals of porridge and side dishes a day, and I wake up earlier in the morning than a crowing chicken.

A person sweeps fallen leaves in the ancestral hall.Life is miserable.

All his electronic products were confiscated by the old man, completely out of modern life.

Fu Yan knew without guessing that it was his good uncle who did it.

When he knew that Fu Xiuyun and Lu Yao had even obtained their marriage certificates, he already expected that his future would not be easy.

The things I did to Lu Yao before, I can't hide it from my uncle.

His uncle has been single for 30 years and has never even had a relationship.I haven't even held the hand of other girls.

Every time Fu Yan went back to the old house, he could hear Mr. Fu talking about his uncle.

I'm afraid he has several children, and this uncle hasn't found a partner yet.

Fu Yan also always thought that his brother-in-law might grow old single, who knew he would be so quick.

Suddenly got certified.

According to the words of the old man who drank too much one day and came out bald.

Fu Xiuyun's method of obtaining the certificate was not too open and aboveboard, and he had a special relationship, so he could be regarded as directly deceiving him back.

For this reason, Mr. Fu, who had drunk too much, chatted with Fu Yan for a long time, accusing Fu Xiuyun of not being a human being.

But the joy in that tone couldn't be hidden.

As for Fu Yan, it was a complicated mood.

Originally, my uncle got married, which was considered a good thing for him.

Fu Yan respected and feared him as his uncle. When he was a child, he even regarded Fu Xiuyun as his idol and fanatically admired him.

But, why did my uncle marry Lu Yao?
Who is wrong, but this woman.

All Fu Yan's impressions of Lu Yao were that she robbed Chuxi's resources and made him lose face in front of the woman he loves.

He also picked up this guy Yu Zhan back.

Even caused him to have a car accident?
Facing this name that he had never met but was often mentioned, Fu Yan could only think of how to suppress her and bring her down.

But now, this woman is my uncle's wife.

This is somewhat embarrassing.

After being imprisoned for more than [-] days, he endured impatience every day and patiently copied Buddhist scriptures.

Finally, Mr. Fu was moved and was released.

Of course, the most important thing is.

He promised Mr. Fu that he would not provoke Lu Yao again, and he had to treat her with the same respect as his uncle.

Fu Yan suppressed the reluctance in his heart, and fought hard to understand the confinement.

Bite the bullet and say a lot of good things about Lu Yao.

This was allowed out.

It was only after he came out that he found out that his Tianyu Media was gone.

Now Tianyu has changed hands and has become Lu Yao's!

Fu Yan only felt that the sky was thundering.

God knows how dazed he was when he stood at the gate of Tianyu Media.

He was locked up for a while, and when he came out, the company was gone.

This is what he asked for after a long time to please the old man...

There is only one thought in my head, it's over.

Without Tianyu Media, how could he still pursue the woman he loves?

What was he going to do with his weak, poor girl.

Chuxi will live under Lu Yao's hands in the future, so he must not be rubbed to death.

Who knows why Fu Yan had these thoughts.

In just a few minutes, he had already imagined a Gongdou drama.

All he could think about was how to save his girl from being in dire straits.

So after Chuxi called him and cared about him in a soft voice, he tacitly agreed not to mention his sadness and embarrass him.

Fu Yan's apology reached its peak.

This is the girl he likes.How nice.

As a matter of course, he agreed to participate in the show with Chuxi on a whim.

 In the small theater, Fu Yan went on a hunger strike in the ancestral hall, but unexpectedly, his grandfather really had the heart to let him go hungry.In the middle of the night, I was very hungry and went to catch fish in the pond where the old man was fishing.He was a pampered young man who managed to touch the slippery fish, relying on a little common sense to handle the fish well.As soon as the fire was started to grill the fish, a bucket of water was poured over the head by the servant patrolling at night.

  Get one from Fu Yan who is in a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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