After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 134 The Guest Who Drives the Tractor

Chapter 134 The Guest Who Drives the Tractor
The show that Chu Xi and Fu Yan are going to participate in is called "Pastoral Life", which is a relatively old variety show.

The main content is to gather six guests in each issue to go to the countryside to experience life together.

This material selection is novel enough, and it has indeed exploded on the Internet before, but now the same themes are emerging one after another.

Viewers have also entered a period of exhaustion watching these similar programs.

The popularity of the "Pastoral Life" program has been declining day by day in recent years, and there are signs of its decline.

After watching Lu's talent show, I was inspired and decided to add a live broadcast on the basis of the usual recording and broadcasting.

Chu Xi's agent, Li Ping, took over this variety show for Chu Xi.

Since the shareholders of Tianyu Media changed, the people in the company saw the situation clearly and became less concerned about Chuxi.

Especially knowing the grievances between the new big boss Lu Yao and Chu Xi, who would dare to fight against Lu Yao at this time.

In the past, Fu Yan was in the company to support Chu Xi, so that Chu, a newcomer who had just stepped into the entertainment circle, had so many resources and successfully entered the front line.

Chu Xi and her manager, Li Ping, showed everyone a lot of embarrassment.If it weren't for Fu Yan's relationship, who would be willing to support them?

Now that Fu Yan is not here, who is willing to go up to please Chu Xi, if they don't avoid them, it is already considered good.

Chuxi's resources were getting worse day by day, and all the endorsements that had been negotiated before were all wasted.

The new drama that was about to be signed also heard the news and ran away overnight.

This variety show was reluctantly agreed to because of the overlap between Li Ping and the director, and the director's affection.

The moldy Chu Xi who has been idle in the apartment still wants to take off again with this variety show.

Let those snobs look down on her, just wait for her to return to her original height, and slap her face hard! .

So this variety show is very important to her, and bringing Fu Yan together is also to give her some weight.

Sure enough, when the director heard that Fu Yan would also participate, his attitude towards Chu Xi was obviously much warmer.

At this moment, Chu Xi was humming a song and packing up, obviously in a good mood.

I'm going to record the show tomorrow, and thinking about the treatment I've received these days, Chu Xi has a fire burning in his heart.

Tomorrow's battle, she will fight well.The position of Tianyu Media's first sister can only be hers.

Thinking of the few female artists in the company who divided up her resources, Chu Xi's eyes flashed several times.

Let her wait, eat her, and sooner or later she will spit it out.


The filming location chosen by the program team this time is a small mountain village in S City.

Because of the remote location and inconvenient transportation, the pace of life here is very slow and full of fireworks.

Looking at a piece of green crops, the breeze blows, and the green eyes are moving, like waves.

Lu Yao's hair was messed up, but she didn't care, squinting her eyes, feeling the power of the wind.

The air here is very fresh, full of the vitality of plants.

The audience in the distance found a tractor, slowly walking towards the program group.

There was only a slender figure in the car.It looked like a girl from a distance.

Someone started guessing on the barrage on the live screen.

[The ones above are also guests, right? 】

[The female guest driving a tractor?Are you thinking too much? 】

[But looking at this figure, it should be a little girl.Blind guess is the guest. 】

[Don't guess, it's definitely not, it's just passing by, your brains are too big. 】

The photographers and program staff waiting at the gate of the small courtyard watched the tractor getting closer and closer to them, and secretly guessed in their hearts.

It's not really a guest, is it?

The sharp-eyed cameraman has already stepped forward and aimed the machine at the tractor.

As the tractor moved forward at a slow speed, accompanied by the mechanical sound of the engine, the tractor slowly stopped in front of them.

The door was opened, and a suitcase was first placed on the ground.Following the hand carrying the suitcase, the camera slowly moves up.

 Ask for a ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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