Chapter 156 A Yao
[No, I just had a meal, what did I miss?Why are Lu Yao and Chu Xi on the same team? 】

【Exciting!That's what I want to see hahaha. 】

[The program team fully understands our thoughts! 】

[I've waited until what I want to see! 】

【Lu Yao and Chu Xi are silent, oh no, everyone is silent. 】

【Silence is Cambridge tonight. 】

Almost all the netizens got excited, who doesn't like watching a movie.

The six people present looked at each other's small notes of different colors, and the atmosphere was a little weird for a while.

The same color is a group.

Both Chu Xi and Lu Yao have red hands.

The program group is going to do something.

Everyone present should have this idea in their hearts, except for Lin Yu'an, of course.

He looked at the yellow note in his hand, and immediately looked at Fu Yan.

yellow!Same as myself!
I can be in a group with Fu Yan!

Lin Hanhan's face suddenly burst into a smile.

He's missing a small patch of hair in front of his forehead, making him look even more comical at the moment.

This is so weak.Didn't you see that Fu Yan's complexion is not very good?

Chen Lin looked at Lin Yu'an, who was standing beside her with a smirk on his face, and sighed.

In the end, Zhou Li and Chen Lin were the first to break the silence.

Chen Lin pretended to be angry and patted her hands: "Ah, what a loser I am! Why are you in a group?"

"Hey, how do you talk about this person, can you be wronged with me?"

Zhou Li took over immediately.Both held the same blue note in their hands.

With the adjustment of their pair of live treasures, the atmosphere suddenly improved a lot, and the feeling of freezing just now disappeared.

Zhou Li and Chen Lin, who were next to each other, could feel each other's relief.

Just say how can there be a good thing that one day of work will be missed and the salary will be paid.It turned out to be waiting here.

The program crew made trouble, and the two innocent passers-by were the ones who got hurt in the end.

I really envy Lin Yuan, a silly boy.I don't know how this simple-minded person got into the present.

Chen Lin and Zhou Li looked at each other, took the task card and simple equipment given by the program group, and went up the mountain.

Otherwise, if you spend any more time here, wouldn't you be asking for guilt?

Just run away from the scene.

Before Chen Lin left, she left a message for Lu Yao: "I hope you are blessed, my sister, I can only help you so far."

Lu Yao was a little funny.

I am still very grateful to Chen Lin, it can be seen that she is really worried about herself.

Now there are only three old foxes with their own thoughts and one stupid roe deer Lin Yuan left in the yard.

[Oh my god, what kind of Shura field reservation is this! 】

[Only my An'an cub has a silly face, let's have some snacks]

[Brother Li and Sister Lin have already fled the scene. 】

【What will happen next? I'm so looking forward to it. I think this afternoon will be very interesting. 】

Fu Yan's eyes fell on Chu Xi's body, flickering.

Thinking of her words that we are just ordinary friends, Fu Yan closed his eyes, heh.

He turned around and glanced at Lin Yu'an who was entertaining himself: "Let's go."

It wasn't until Fu Yan looked away from him that Chu Xi's body, which had been stiff and afraid to move, trembled slightly.

There was a sourness in my heart.

Chu Xi held back his life.

"Lu, Ah Yao~ Let's go too~"

She smiled at Lu Yao, deliberately prolonging the ending, sweet and greasy.

Weirdly disgusting.

Whether it was Lu Yao or the eager audience in the live broadcast room, there was a chill.

"Call the boss."

Lu Yao took in all the little details between her and Fu Yan.

The trace of curiosity to eat melons was all dissipated in her pretentious "Ayao".

 Update at 12:30 p.m. ~ Ask for support
(End of this chapter)

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