Chapter 157
[Ha ha ha ha ha call the boss.Have been laughed at. 】

[Chuxi Xiaobaihua, don't just be in a daze, Sister Yao is leaving. 】

[Sister Yao is domineering. 】

[That sound was so A, I was numb all over. 】

Chu Xi recovered from Lu Yao's "call me the boss".

Looking up, Lu Yao had already walked a long way with her back on her back.

Immediately, she stopped being in a daze, put on her own backpack and rushed over there.

Before running, I didn't forget to stomp my feet and mutter words.

"Who is it? I don't know to wait for me."

"The boss is the boss, hum. What's the big deal. You don't rely on me to make money for you."

Although her voice was small, it was transmitted through the microphone on her clothes.

He was complaining, but he couldn't stop walking.He ran after Lu Yao with all his might.

【Oh my god, I laughed so hard. 】

[Chuxi, what kind of weird remarks are these goose goose goose. 】

[I still think it's quite right, like I was squeezed by an unscrupulous boss and didn't want to work overtime, but I had to bow to money. 】

【However, sister Yao didn't oppress her. 】

Lu Yao walked quickly.From a distance, Chu Xi was left with a back view.

For the sake of beauty, Chuxi still wears small leather shoes today, and he can't walk fast on the mountain road.

The small leather shoes have already been covered with mud and cannot see their original appearance.

Her hair was blown all over her face by the wind, and she looked in a mess.

Lu Yao put her arms around her chest and leaned against a towering giant tree.

Watching Chuxi climb the mountain with great interest.

At this moment, Chu Xi was too tired to speak.I don't even have the energy to think about messy things.

She kept her head buried in the climb, just looking at the road under her feet.

Who knew that in the next second, his head hit the tree in front of him.


Chu Xi quickly covered his head and raised his head.

Only then did he realize that the tip of his nose was only one centimeter away from the tree in front of him.

The lines on the bark can be clearly seen.

After taking two steps back, he saw Lu Yao leaning on the tree with a playful face.

Chu Xi really couldn't maintain her expression at this moment.Even the best facial expression management class is in vain.

"Lu Yao! Did you do it on purpose! Why don't you remind me!"

The words were almost yelled out.

Everyone was stunned, and even the two photographers who followed him held their breath.

Now is the time to quarrel!

However, everyone only heard a chuckle from Lu Yao's throat.

"Yes, I did it on purpose."

The ancestor changed his posture and just admitted it.

He still didn't forget to taunt Chuxi: "I think you need reading glasses, such a big tree is right in front of you, and you hit it straight."

"Isn't this obvious? Why, don't try to hit me, I can give you resources."

After hearing this second half, Chu Xi looked up in disbelief.

"Is it really you who did my resources for more than half a month? You are so cruel!"

"How could you do this, how could you treat me like this!"

Lu Yao actually blew herself up like this in the live broadcast?Is she out of her mind?

What Chuxi thought in her heart was completely different from what she said.

In her heart, she complained about whether Lu Yao had no brains, but on the surface, she was full of acting skills.

A woman who is willing to contribute and devote herself to the company, but is squeezed by the boss and ridiculed by the boss is vividly played.

Anyone who looks at it will not be confused by her.

Lu Yao lowered her head, looked at her face with disgust, and then just sneered.

He didn't speak, but made his meaning very obvious.

Just you?

If you just listen to these two dialogues and this picture.

Everyone will think that this is Lu Yao publicly bullying Chu Xi.

In particular, Chu Xi's shocked and aggrieved but pretending to be strong was in stark contrast to Lu Yao's arrogance.

Just taking a screenshot of this paragraph can make the marketing account write hundreds of drafts.

But the netizens in the live broadcast room burst out laughing.

Everyone was shaking like sifting chaff, and even the camera shook twice.

[Hahahahaha, why are these two so exaggerated and funny? 】

[This, this, this?Not the pinch scene I want to see!Why is it different from what you imagined? 】

[Why are two people arguing and confronting each other, but I just want to laugh? 】

[Like watching a comedy? 】

(End of this chapter)

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