Chapter 161

Seeing that the wild boar's head was about to hit Chuxi, Lu Yao immediately stretched out her hand to take her aside and narrowly missed her.

At the same time, the sickle in Lu Yao's hand pierced through the thick fur and stabbed the wild boar's neck vigorously.

The wild boar howled, couldn't hold back its strength, and slammed into the tree in front of it.

The tusks were pinned to the tree, and the wild boar struggled hard.

"Are you OK?"

Taking advantage of this gap, Lu Yao hurriedly checked Chu Xi's injuries.

After looking at it, he found that Chuxi's arm was still scratched by the wild boar's fangs, and bright red blood flowed out.

Her face was also a little pale.

Lu Yao frowned, and tore a few cloth strips from the hem of her clothes to bandage her to stop the bleeding.

We have to get rid of this wild boar quickly, and find some medicine to apply to her.

Blame her for being careless, I just thought it was a wild boar, and it could be done easily.

I didn't expect this wild boar to have a lot of thoughts.

Lu Yao didn't intend to waste it anymore, without the camera, there was no need to hide her strength.

She took the sickle from Chu Xi's hand, took a few steps forward, and wiped the neck of the wild boar that was still struggling.

Chu Xi couldn't care less about being shocked by this, she is in pain now.

The whole arm hurt so much that her body wall was separated, and her soul was about to be pulled out of her body.

Seeing her situation, Lu Yao didn't say much. She found a few herbs nearby, smashed them up and applied them on the wound.

Chu Xi was already delirious with pain, Lu Yao sighed.

It's obviously not a deep injury, but it hurts like this, it's too delicate.

Disgusted, disgusted, Lu Yao still hugged Princess Ren.

There are still two baskets on the ground, and more than half of the mushrooms have been sprinkled.

Lu Yao just made sure that the two blood ganoderma were there, and decisively gave up a basket.

The wild boar whose neck was wiped by her was also tied to a rope by Lu Yao and dragged behind.

So, when the panic-stricken director team got the news and found it along the mountain road, they saw this scene.

Lu Yao seemed to be hugging Chu Xi effortlessly, carrying a basket on her back, and dragging a huge monster weighing two to three hundred catties behind her.

At this moment, the wild boar has long been dragged beyond recognition, and the smell of blood is pervasive. It looks terrible just by looking at it.

When the chief director saw the two of them, he didn't care about anything, so he wanted to rush forward.

But someone moved faster than him.

Seeing Chu Xi being held in his arms, Fu Yan's face was pale and his lips were pale.

Noticing the wound on her arm, Fu Yan's eyebrows seemed to be knotted.

He arrived in front of Lu Yao in a few steps, without saying a word, he directly hugged her into his arms.

Turn around and rush down the mountain.

Lu Yao didn't care about the two of them.

It's just that the five or six people with different expressions in front of the opponent, who are armed with weapons, have mocking smiles on their faces.

Especially seeing the two cameramen at the end of the team who run faster than rabbits.

The sarcasm in her eyes became more apparent.

The chief director was obviously flustered and at a loss, rubbing his hands and trying to say something to Lu Yao.

But when he met her cold gaze, he closed his mouth embarrassingly again, speechless.

Lu Yao was not in the mood to pay attention to the crowd at the moment, and continued to drag her wild boar down the mountain very stubbornly.

So, Fu Xiuyun and Ji Mingze drove here.

What I saw was Lu Yao dragging the wild boar in front, followed by a group of panicked little tails.

When Ji Mingze stepped on the brakes, his eyes almost popped out.

"No way, Mr. Fu, is this my sister-in-law? Isn't this too violent?"

Fu Xiuyun didn't intend to talk to him, opened the car door and left, Ji Mingze hurriedly followed.

At this time, a sports car passed behind like a gust of wind, bringing dust around Fu Xiuyun and Ji Mingze.

"I bah, bah bah."

"Who is this, so unqualified."

Ji Mingze took a mouthful of sand and glared at the flamboyant red Lamborghini in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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