After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 162 Destined to Live Only One

Chapter 162 Destined to Live Only One

"That's not right! There is actually someone in this small village who can afford this car?"

He only realized it later.

The front door opened, and a familiar figure appeared in front of the two of them.

Lu Ziyu turned around and gave Ji Mingze a supercilious look. This guy has such a loud voice, I'm afraid he can't hear?
But right now there is no time to argue with him, Lu Ziyu's heart and eyes are all about his precious sister.

His little heart, he didn't scare him to death while watching the live broadcast.

Now I am anxious to see what is going on with Lu Yao.

"Oh my god, why is it him? Your brother-in-law is here. Why don't you hurry up?"

Ji Mingze came to his senses, and quickly poked Fu Xiuyun with his arm.

Fu Xiuyun frowned and looked at him, then immediately followed Lu Ziyu.

The appearance of two luxury cars here and a lot of movement immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Lu Yao was a little tired after dragging the wild boar all the way. She threw the wild boar on the ground and rubbed her stiff hands.

I saw Lu Ziyu who was busy with the world.

The man's face was full of worry at the moment, he rushed forward and looked at Lu Yao carefully.

Holding her hand, he repeatedly asked if there was any injury.

After receiving Lu Yao's guarantee, he was relieved.

Fu Xiuyun, who arrived one step later than him, felt relieved when he saw the intact little girl with his own eyes.

Then he cast his gaze on the group of shrinking staff.

Without disturbing the siblings, he went to mention the chief director with long legs.

Ji Mingze, who was hanging at the end, folded his arms around his chest, watching the play leisurely.

Tsk tsk tsk, Mr. Fu can't do it, he only has his brother in his eyes now.

This shows Fu Xiuyun's status!
He was still watching a play when someone patted his shoulder.

Turning around to see Fu Yan with a black face.

Damn it, Ji Mingze was so scared that he couldn't understand.

"Since you are here, show her quickly."

Unceremoniously, Fu Yan carried Chu Xi, who was in his arms, into the back seat of the car.

"oh oh."

At this moment, Ji Mingze can't care about his usual quarrel with Fu Yan.

Seeing Chuxi's state at the moment, he immediately went to get the medicine box.


But Lu Yao was a little bit out of strength at the moment, and she fell into Lu Ziyu's arms when her eyes went dark.

When he was unconscious, he heard the anxious cry of his second brother.

Not far away, Fu Xiuyun, who was communicating with the director team, heard something, and his expression turned pale.

Regardless of what the director in front of him was still explaining.

For a while, the scene became chaotic again.


Lu Yao only felt that she was inexplicably fainted this time.

As early as after Chuxi was injured, she felt uncomfortable.

If it wasn't for relying on his strong willpower, thinking that he couldn't just fall down in the forest like that, he would have survived until now.

Lu Yao's consciousness was ups and downs, floating in chaos.

Completely indifferent to the chaos outside.

She was battling another powerful consciousness.

This force seemed to repel her very much, trying to force her out.

Get out of this world.

The shape of Lu Yao's consciousness is pure and bright red, and at this moment, the red is dimming a little bit.

The other lump of consciousness became proud at this moment, showing its true colors.

"Haha, I will definitely drive you out this time. Intruders, my world will never allow accidental appearances."

Lu Yao heard it clearly.

This is a group of simple and retro yellow, and Lu Yao can tell at a glance that this is the world consciousness of this novel.

Thinking that this sudden fainting was caused by it, Lu Yao stopped hiding and pretending to be weak.

As a result, the red light group that was originally in a weak position quickly grew larger, enveloping the world consciousness.

"What's going on, why? Why! This is obviously my home field."

"Fu Yan and Chu Xi are the protagonists! You can't take away their aura!"

The world consciousness is struggling more and more.

"Since you want to erase me from this world again and again, then why don't you exist at all."

Today is destined to only live one.

Lu Yao's consciousness became more and more extreme, and the transparent red became more and more alluring.

The color of blood.

That smear of yellow is about to be swallowed by the sky full of red.

(End of this chapter)

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