Chapter 164 Covering you

"System 2.0?"

The woman's voice was tender, and he had a different taste in just a few words.

Lu Yao looked at the so-called system user guide floating in front of her, with interest in her eyes.

1. Help Chuxi get rid of her manager Li Ping and get on the right path.

2. Help Fu Yan develop into a young man who is upright and contributes to the society.

3. Let the relationship between the hero and heroine go smoothly, leading to a happy ending.

There are three task progress bars below.

Very domineering, there is only one confirmation button for agreeing.

Lu Yao pursed her lips.

"It's none of my business whether they're okay or not?"

"I'm not their parents, so I have to help them reform?"

"Mandatory requirement, huh? Is Liu Shang planning to join forces with that yellow briquette to cheat me this time?"

The world consciousness of the yellow coal ball hiding in the corner couldn't help it, and shot out like a bullet.

You are the briquettes!Your whole family is briquettes!
It's really pissed off!
Lu Yao held the yellow briquettes in her hand and played with them.

Let it spin around for a while, and finally give in.

"You, just promise, woman."

"As long as you agree, I won't reject you, young master, and I promise to cover you in the future."

This little briquette flickered when it came to excitement.

"Cover me."

"Well, that sounds good."

In the future, there will be another tool man that can be used.

Lu Yao didn't hesitate anymore, and pressed the confirmation button.

This is beyond her control, after all, there are still a few stupid people in the ward waiting for her to go back.

After she clicked the confirmation button, she returned to her body.

Lu Yao opened her eyes and saw the familiar end of the hospital bed.

As soon as she opened her eyes, someone noticed.

"Yaoyao is awake. Hurry up, doctor!"

Mother Lu's face was full of surprises, and she opened her mouth to call the doctor.

Standing in every corner of the ward, several men who were almost filling up the room all came forward upon hearing the words.

Lu's father first took Lu's mother's hand and gently comforted her.

Then he looked at his daughter, and dragged Lu Qingyi behind him to the front.

"Show it to your sister."

Only then did Mother Lu pat her head, she was confused.

My eldest son is the best doctor, why call him.

Lu Qingyi didn't care about his own father's rude actions.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw that Fu Xiuyun had already consciously helped Lu Yao sit up, and also thoughtfully put two pillows on her.

The movements were smooth and smooth, and Lu Qingyi was in a good mood, and he took a liking to this brother-in-law.

He quickly checked for his sister.

"No big problem, it's still low blood sugar."

Even though he said so, Lu Qingyi's expression was still not good-looking.

The last time she was comatose on the island, Lu Yao's test report was that all indicators were up to standard, and her blood sugar was slightly low.

It was still the case this time, but she was still worried.

For some reason, my sister has been in a coma since she was a child.

At first, everyone in the family thought it was a recessive disease, so many famous doctors were sought.

But no matter how you check, there is only one same result, which is hypoglycemia.

Obviously the conditions at home are not bad, there is no shortage of food or drink, but low blood sugar.

It's baffling.

The doctor couldn't explain it either, and only asked them to pay more attention.

The little person, in a coma, is distressing.

This is why everyone in the Lu family dotes on Lu Yao.

At the same time, this also prompted Lu Qingyi to embark on the path of studying medicine.

"Yaoyao, look at you, since you entered the entertainment circle, you have fainted twice. So, how much to worry mom..."

"Of course, it's not that I don't support's just... hey."

Lu's mother deliberated and spoke.

She naturally knew what her eldest son was thinking, so why wasn't she worried about her daughter's health.

(End of this chapter)

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