After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 165 Was Packed and Taken Away

Chapter 165 Was Packed and Taken Away

Sitting on the lazy recliner in Fu Xiuyun's apartment, Lu Yao sighed again.

She is now comfortably bored.

Ever since she was in the hospital that day, seeing Lu's mother's expression, Lu Yao's heart softened.

Guaranteed that I will take care of my body in the future, and at the same time revealed my future plans to everyone, which made the whole family feel relieved.

But Mother Lu is a fine person with a vicious vision.

After only half a day in the hospital, it was determined that there must be something awkward between Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun, and the atmosphere between the two of them was not right.

So Mother Lu clapped her hands, packed Lu Yao's luggage, and went to Fu Xiuyun's place.

The good name is that they have already received their certificates, so how can they still live separately?
This decision made the three men of the Lu family furious and stopped them one after another.

What a joke, how could their precious daughter (sister) just live in this man's house?
Isn't this just giving Zhu Gong his own juicy cabbage?
However, the three men are not as powerful as Mother Lu alone.

In the end, Lu Yao was still packed and taken away by Fu Xiuyun with the luggage under the reluctant expressions of the three men.

During the half a month at Fu Xiuyun's house, Lu Yao lived comfortably.

He was simply the King of the Mountain who took over Fu Xiuyun's family.

Fu Xiuyun is really busy, a CEO just lives like an ordinary office worker from five to nine.

All Lu Yao felt tired for him.

But no matter how busy he is, he will come back to make lunch and dinner for Lu Yao.

Every morning when Lu Yao wakes up, she can see the warm breakfast in the kitchen.

Definitely a good man.

The wild boar that was caught in the program group before was also transported back by Fu Xiuyun in a special car.

A full-grown male wild boar weighing 260 jins became delicious dishes for Fu Xiuyun's men.

I don't know how he preserved it, anyway, Lu Yao has eaten the whole pig feast for more than ten days.

Today is stewed trotters, tomorrow is Dongpo pork, pork stuffed dumplings in the morning, and pig skin beauty soup in the evening.

After a round of eating, there is still braised pork waiting for her in the water.

Fu Xiuyun's culinary skills are getting better and better, making rapid progress.

But after eating pork for a week, Lu Yao got a little tired.

As soon as Lu Yao got tired of it, Chef Fu almost arranged the mushrooms in his back basket for another week of mushroom feast.

Even the Ganoderma lucidum that had opened its spiritual wisdom almost became the soul of Fu Xiuyun's sword.

Fortunately, Lu Yao went in time and successfully rescued the blood ganoderma that was about to become a dish.

Of course, the treatment of this Ganoderma lucidum king was not very good.

Lu Yao directly found an empty flower pot and buried it in the soil, and put it on the balcony.

I don't know if it regrets coming back with Lu Yao.

Lu Yao is now responsible for eating, drinking and drinking every day, so she can live as happy as she can.

I am happy, and I can still follow my own variety shows on the Internet.

Or come to a live broadcast and bring netizens to point out the country together.

The previous recording of "Pastoral Life" ended early due to the injuries of two people, Lu Yao and Chu Xi.

But because of the live broadcast, even before the edited film was broadcast, there was already a heated discussion on the Internet.

Especially those two cameramen who ran away from the scene when they encountered danger, even ignoring the artists.

It has been attacked for a while, and finally the program group issued an announcement saying that the two had been fired to calm down the anger.

Some people think that there is no need to do this to the two photographers. After all, it is not wrong to think about yourself first in the face of danger.

But until I heard that these two people did not contact the program team to explain the situation even after they went down the mountain.

Someone still watched the live broadcast and called the director. Only then did everyone know that Lu Yao and Chu Xi were in danger on the mountain.

This is a bit too much, and no one is interceding for the two of them.

Of course, these have little to do with Lu Yao.

At this moment, she has just finished feeding from Chef Fu, and she is lying down leisurely to savor the delicious food.

(End of this chapter)

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