Chapter 170
Fu Xiuyun arranged Lu Yao well, and only then did he have time to go to the kitchen to make sober soup for her.

Over there, Fu Yan, together with Gao Lang, took away the drunken Chu Xi.

There were some wrinkles on Fu Xiuyun's white shirt, which were all pressed out by Lu Yao.

He lowered his eyes at this moment, and a sad and depressed mood filled his whole body.

It was undeniable that he fell in love with this woman.

If it is said that from the beginning, it was because of curiosity and uneasiness that he chose to tie her by his side.

Well, when he no longer suffers from insomnia because of the sachet given by the woman.

But every night before going to bed, when he still thought of her, Fu Xiuyun knew that he had fallen.

When did it start?
Maybe it's because Lu Yao, who was in the live broadcast, worked hard and could stay up all night for a stage.

Maybe it's because she really shines on the stage, making people unable to move their eyes away.

Or earlier, every time she was in a dream, she brought a different feeling to herself.

Maybe it was the first time they met in a dream, and he fell.

Every move of a woman affects his mind.

Perhaps it was those strange dreams again.

Fu Xiuyun couldn't figure it out.

But he just knew that his heart was beating for her.

Every blow is so intense.

But since the two of them went up and had a heart-to-heart talk.

Lu Yao was obviously keeping a distance from him, and she hadn't even found herself in her dream for a long time.

Fu Xiuyun was helpless.

This little woman actually told herself so clearly last time that she was just impulsive and motivated by lust.

There are secrets in the little woman, and she cannot tell herself.At the same time, she became rational and began to reject his approach.

After stirring the spoon in Fu Xiuyun's hand a few times, he sighed, which was very clear in the night.

Fu Xiuyun's calm and restraint, which he was always proud of, almost shattered to pieces in front of Lu Yao.

You can even stretch and stretch freely for love, just hope to become what she likes.

It was only after returning to work that Fu Xiuyun realized how strange he had become during that time on the island, not like himself.

But in retrospect, he never regretted it.

I just feel that the time spent with her is still too little.

Who didn't know that at such a late night, Fu Xiuyun, who is in the top ten of Steve Jobs' richest list, would also reveal his true feelings.

Probably Liushang.

The Lord Lord God in the void looked at him so sad and humble, and suddenly felt sympathetic.

Forget it, help him.

With a wave of Liushang's hand, a starlight entered Fu Xiuyun's eyebrows.

So, Fu Xiuyun fed Lu Yao the hangover soup and slept in his room next door.

While half dreaming and half awake, a voice rang in his head.

Fu Xiuyun felt that maybe it wasn't because he thought about it every day and dreamed at night, so he didn't take it seriously.

Until he really appeared in Lu Yao's dream.

Fu Xiuyun had seen many storms and waves, and this time he was really shocked.

Lu Yao's dream is really special.

There are no beautiful men around, but a lot of food.

Grandpa Lu Yao was also sitting in the middle, with an assembly line of food in front of him.

Fu Xiuyun couldn't help but laugh at this scene.

He tried to reach out, thinking to move the plate of sauced elbows in front of Lu Yao away.

As a result, the plate of sauced elbow was naturally removed by him.

Facing Lu Yao's accusing gaze, Fu Xiuyun moved the plate back to her with some embarrassment.

This is actually true.

Fu Xiuyun pursed her lips.

So next, Fu Xiuyun suddenly came to play with his heart.

Just when Lu Yao was about to eat the food in front of her, she took the plate away.

This happened a few times, and successfully made Lu Yao angry.

Fu Xiuyun's evil taste was satisfied.

Afraid of waking up the little girl, he didn't continue.

In the end, I rubbed two handfuls of my ancestors' hair and had a great time.

(End of this chapter)

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